Hannele Mäkiollitervo
Protocol for a participatory survey to investigate the long-term effectiveness of adult psychiatric services (PSILEAPS) : a prospective exploratory cohort study
Mental health research and practice is currently moving beyond a focus on group-level symptom reduction models. Hence, research and treatment increasingly emphasize the real-life individual needs of service users and their social networks. One example is the Open Dialogue approach (OD), which has demonstrated promising outcomes in the Finnish Western Lapland (WL) catchment area. Nevertheless, it is unclear how OD-based services have so far been maintained in WL. It is also unclear how the experiences of multi-disciplinary care teams, service users and their social network members differ, with regard to differing approaches to mental health treatment. More generally, there is a global need f…
Mitä mielenterveysongelmat ovat ja mikä mielenterveyshoidossa auttaa? : kokemuksia Länsi-Pohjan psykiatrian kyselytutkimuksen pilotoinnista
Psykiatriassa on alettu korostaa sellaisten osallistavien tutkimus- ja hoitostrategioiden merkitystä, joilla pyritään huomioimaan mielenterveyspalveluita käyttävien ja heidän läheistensä yksilöllinen avuntarve. Eräs esimerkki on Länsi-Pohjan sairaanhoitopiirin (LPSHP) alueella kehitetty avoimen dialogin hoitomalli, jolla on saavutettu lupaavia hoitotuloksia. On kuitenkin epäselvää, miten malli on juurtunut LPSHP:n psykiatrian palvelujärjestelmään kehityshankkeiden jälkeen. Lisätietoa tarvitaan myös siitä, miten sekä työntekijät että asiakkaat itse näkevät erilaiset hoitokäytännöt ja sen, mistä psykiatrisen hoidon tarve lähtökohtaisesti johtuu. Näihin kysymyksiin pyrimme vastamaan LPSHP:n ps…
The 10‐year treatment outcome of open dialogue‐based psychiatric services for adolescents: A nationwide longitudinal register‐based study
Aim: To evaluate the 10-year treatment outcomes and cost-effectiveness of adolescents' mental health treatment initiated under the social network-oriented open dialogue (OD) approach. -- Methods: This longitudinal register-based study included all persons who, for the first time, received psychiatric treatment in Finland during the period 1 January 2003–31 December 2008, and who were aged 13–20 at onset (n = 44 868). The OD group included all persons whose treatment commenced in the Western Lapland catchment area (n = 780), this being the only region in Finland where OD covered the entire mental healthcare service at the time of inclusion. The comparison group (CG) included the rest of Finl…