Vita Zelče
Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību 2015/2016. Dzīves meistarība un informācijpratība
Latvijas mediju vides daudzveidība
Policing prostitution: regulating the lower classes in late Imperial Russia
Karojošā piemiņa: 16. marts un 9. maijs
Grāmata sagatavota Valsts pētījumu programmas “Nacionālā identitāte” projekta “Latvijas sociālā atmiņa un identitāte” ietvaros un izdota ar Fridriha Eberta fonda finansiālu atbalstu
Latvia. Human Development Report 2015/2016. Mastery of Life and Information Literacy
An Unlikely Refuge: Latvia’s Women Volunteers in the Red Army in World War II
This article examines women’s wartime experiences with a focus on Latvia’s women volunteers in the Red Army in World War II. An estimated 8 percent of the Red Army was composed of women, who played a wide array of roles, including as snipers, combat engineers, medics, and frontline journalists. This level of female participation was unique in World War II, but a close examination of the phenomenon shows that motives and means for entry into the Red Army at the beginning of the war were not uniform. Our examination of the case of women volunteers from the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic reveals key factors that fed women’s fervent desire to “get to the front.” It shows particular ways in …
Sekcija “Dezinformācijas un sazvērestību radītie riski demokrātijai: Latvijas pieredzes pārlūkošana”: Kopsavilkumi : 2021. gada 25. un 26. februāris
Latvijas Zinātnes padomes fundamentālo un lietišķo projektu programmas projekts “Dezinformācijas un sazvērestību radītie riski demokrātijai: Latvijas pieredzes pārlūkošana” (lzp-2019/1-0278)
Latviešu kapusvētki: Identitātes rituāls
Grāmata sagatavota un izdota valsts pētījumu programmas “Nacionālā identitāte” projekta “Latvijas sociālā atmiņa un identitāte” ietvaros. Grāmata izdota ar Valsts kultūrkapitāla fonda atbalstu.
Celebrations, Commemorative Dates and Related Rituals: Soviet Experience, its Transformation and Contemporary Victory Day Celebrations in Russia and Latvia
The list of state and professional celebrations and dates when the military is celebrated and commemorated in the Russian Federation is quite long, with more than 100 events in all. Their historical origins differ. There are celebrations that were established during the Soviet era, while others even date back to the Russian Empire. There are days when the Soviet Union’s military achievements and units are celebrated. There is a day to commemorate the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, and there are a few dates for grief and commemoration of the war dead. Russia’s official calendar of national holidays lists eight celebrations – the New Year (January 1-5), Orthodox Christmas (January 7),…
Pēdējais karš: atmiņa un traumas komunikācija
Grāmatā apkopoti valsts programmas “Nacionālā identitāte” pētnieciskajā projektā “Latvijas sociālā atmiņa un identitāte” 2010. gadā tapušie pētījumi, kuros aplūkotas Latvijas sabiedrības attiecības ar pagātni.
The Sovietization of Rainis and Aspazija: discourses and rituals in Soviet Latvia in celebration of the two poets
The purpose of this article is to analyze the Sovietization of the Latvian poets Rainis and Aspazija by using as evidence the organization of their celebration and ideological messages. The researc...
Unruly actors: Latvian women of the Red Army in post-war historical memory
This work highlights the case of Latvian women volunteers of the Red Army who worked and fought on the eastern fronts of World War II. An estimated 70,000–85,000 Latvians served in the Red Army, some as conscripts, others as volunteers. At least several hundred of those who volunteered were women. How are Latvian women volunteers of the Red Army represented and remembered in Soviet and post-Soviet historical accounts of World War II? Why have they not been remembered in most historical accounts of this period? How are ethnicity, gender, and associated social roles implicated in their historical marginality? These questions are situated in the context of literature on collective memory and m…