Claudio La Scola

A retrospective follow up study on maternal age and infant mortality in two Sicilian districts

Abstract Background Infant mortality rate (IMR) is a key public health indicator. Maternal age is a well-known determinant of pregnancy and delivery complications and of infant morbidity and mortality. In Italy the Infant Mortality Rate was 3.7/1000 during 2005, lower than the average IMR for the European Union (4.94/1000). Sicily is the Italian region with the highest IMR, 5/1000, and neonatal mortality rate (NMR), 3.8/1000, with substantial variation among its nine districts. The present study compared a high IMR/NMR district (Messina) with a low IMR/NMR district (Palermo) during the period 2004-2006 to evaluate potential determinants of the IMRs' differences between the two districts and…

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QT interval in a population of healthy neonates:a prospective study

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Different guidelines for imaging after first UTI in febrile infants: yield, cost, and radiation.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the yield, economic, and radiation costs of 5 diagnostic algorithms compared with a protocol where all tests are performed (ultrasonography scan, cystography, and late technetium99dimercaptosuccinic acid scan) in children after the first febrile urinary tract infections. METHODS: A total of 304 children, 2 to 36 months of age, who completed the diagnostic follow-up (ultrasonography, cystourethrography, and acute and late technetium99dimercaptosuccinic acid scans) of a randomized controlled trial (Italian Renal Infection Study 1) were eligible. The guidelines applied to this cohort in a retrospective simulation were: Melbourne Royal Children’s Hospital, National Insti…

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tachicardia fetale e neonatale in neuroblastoma congenito

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Diagnosi prenatale di emangioma pericardico con evoluzione in idrope fetale

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Aritmie potenzialmente letali ad evoluzione favorevole in neonati sani”.

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“Aneurisma del setto interatriale associato a flutter atriale ad esordio prenatale”.

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Atresia delle vie biliari in situs viscerum inversus, destrocardia ed idronefrosi: descrizione di un caso

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Congenital Solitary Kidney in Children: Size Matters

We assessed renal function outcome in children with congenital solitary kidney and evaluated prognostic risk factors.We retrospectively studied the clinical charts of 210 children presenting with congenital solitary kidney at 2 pediatric nephrology and 5 pediatric units between January 2009 and October 2012. Children 0 to 18 years old with a congenital solitary kidney confirmed by scintigraphy were enrolled. Of the patients 146 were suitable for analysis. Median followup was 4.6 years. Primary outcome was decreased estimated glomerular filtration rate, and secondary outcome was occurrence of proteinuria and/or systemic hypertension. Primary outcome-free survival analysis was performed, incl…

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"Un Caso Interessante di Trombofilia in età evolutiva"

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"Complessità nella diagnosi di Malattia di von Willebrand in una paziente pediatrica"

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Infanzia, adolescenza e terapia sostitutiva della funzione renale

Ogni anno in Italia 30 bambini d'età compresa tra 0 e 15 anni, affetti da Insufficienza Renale Cronica (I.R.C.) iniziano il trattamento dialitico con dialisi peritoneale e circa 10 sono sottoposti per la prima volta ad emodialisi. In questo articolo si traccia un profilo epidemiologico dell'attuale situazione di dialisi e trapianti renali in Italia, evidenziando le condizioni attuali di qualità di vita dei bambini sottoposti a trattamento sostitutivo della funzione renale, nel confronto tra le due diverse pratiche (emodialisi e dialisi peritoneale). Tali elementi vengono analizzati in rapporto allo stress vissuto dal "caregiver" di riferimento ed all'assistenza proposta da equipe medico-inf…

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Lo scorbuto in età pediatrica: descrizione di due casi recenti

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