S Del Sordo

Experimental results from Al/p-CdTe/Pt X-ray detectors

Recently, Al/CdTe/Pt detectors have been proposed for the development of high resolution X-ray spectrometers. Due to the low leakage currents, these detectors allow high electric fields and the pixellization of anodes with the possibility to realize single charge carrier sensing detectors. In this work, we report on the results of electrical and spectroscopic investigations on CdTe diode detectors with Al/CdTe/Pt electrode configuration (4.1×4.1×0.75 and 4.1×4.1×2 mm3). The detectors are characterized by very low leakage currents in the reverse bias operation: 0.3 nA at 25 °C and 2.4 pA at -25 °C under a bias voltage of -1000 V. The spectroscopic performance of the detectors at both low and…

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CdZnTe Detectors for Astrophysical and Medical Applications

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High-rate x-ray spectroscopy in mammography with a CdTe detector: A digital pulse processing approach

Purpose:Direct measurement of mammographic x-ray spectra under clinical conditions is a difficult task due to the high fluence rate of the x-ray beams as well as the limits in the development of high resolution detection systems in a high counting rate environment. In this work we present a detection system, based on a CdTe detector and an innovative digital pulse processing (DPP) system, for high-rate x-ray spectroscopy in mammography. Methods: The DPP system performs a digital pile-up inspection and a digital pulse height analysis of the detector signals, digitized through a 14-bit, 100 MHz digitizer, for x-ray spectroscopy even at high photon counting rates. We investigated on the respon…

research product


We report on the R&D activities on the development of room temperature semiconductor detectors (CZT detectors) for high energy space instrumentation. Our groups have been involved in the development of new hard X and soft gamma ray telescopes (e.g. Laue lens telescopes) and focal plane detectors. We present the characteristics and the performance of various CZT detector prototypes coupled with custom read-out electronics. The main target of this R&D activity is an end to end system for domestic growth CZT crystals, new sensor configurations and related read out architecture to provide an effective 3D focal plane able to perform contemporaneously imaging (spatial resolution mm or better), ti…

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