Thomas Perrin
Sites, territoires et réseaux des communautés néolithiques
International audience
La tombe A de la nécropole de Fontaine-le-Puits (Savoie), un dépôt funéraire exceptionnel de la transition Néolithique moyen / final
International audience
Pressure-Knapping Blade Production in the North-Western Mediterranean Region During the Seventh Millennium cal B.C.
A review of selected Mesolithic blade and trapeze complex series in the north-western Mediterranean reinforces the hypothesis of a common use of pressure techniques for bladelet production during the seventh millennium cal B.C. This paper deals with the specificity and variability of these techniques and the consistency of the blade production methods. Mesolithic pressure technique seems to have been quickly diffused within the western Mediterranean basin, earlier than the spread of Early Neolithic communities in the same area. It then proceeded from a regional development, distinct from the Mesopotamian and Anatolian cores.