S. Todaro
Geoconservation in Sicily (Italy): the Example of the Isola delle Femmine (Palermo)
Abstract The Regional Administration of Sicily recently erected Isola delle Femmine—a small island of the Tyrrhenian Sea, close to Palermo—as a geosite. A detailed geological survey has been carried out in order to define the most important geological features of the island together with the development of a new geological map based on topographic data and a digital model at 1:2.000 scale specially processed. Finally, a geological pathway through the island has been traced and illustrated. The geological substrate of Isola delle Femmine consists of a Mesozoic carbonate succession belonging to the Panormide Carbonate Platform. Two lithostratigraphic units have been differentiated. The lowest…
Xyloglucan self-assembled nanostructures and gels for biomedical applications
Karstic overprint of Upper Triassic peritidal cycles: The example of the Panormide Carbonate Platform at San Vito lo Capo (Sicily)
Studies of network organization and dynamics of e-beam crosslinked PVPs: From macro to nano
Abstract In this work the influence of poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) concentration in water on the organization and dynamics of the corresponding macro-/nanogel networks has been systematically investigated. Irradiation has been performed at the same irradiation dose (within the sterilization dose range) and dose rate. In the selected irradiation conditions, the transition between macroscopic gelation and micro-/nanogels formation is observed just below the critical overlap concentration (∼1 wt%), whereas the net prevalence of intra-molecular over inter-molecular crosslinking occurs at a lower polymer concentration (below 0.25 wt%). Dynamic–mechanical spectroscopy has been applied as a cl…
New biostratigraphic data from the Ladinian pelagic limestones of Pizzo di Sant’Otiero - Madonie Mountains, Sicily
New biostratigraphic data, based on conodont investigations, were collected from the Ladinian limestones recently described at Sant’Otiero, a locality near the Village of Petralia Sottana in the Madonie Mountains (Central-Northern Sicily). At this locality a new calcareous succession lying at the base of a major tectonic unit of the Maghrebian chain is described. This succession consists of a lower massive part formed by a carbonate megabreccia, the elements of which are shallow water extraclasts with dasycladalean algae (Diplopora annulatissima Pia), benthic foraminifers, “Tubiphytes” and problematic organisms commonly described from Anisian carbonate platforms. Upward a well-bedded succes…
Lo studio sedimentologico e stratigrafico di alcune sezioni del Triassico Superiore-Giurassico Inferiore del dominio Panormide (Sicilia), ha contribuito all’elaborazione di un dataset che consente di avanzare nuove considerazioni sulla complessa evoluzione di questo dominio paleogeografico in prossimità del limite T/J. Sono stati studiati in dettaglio tre principali settori lungo la porzione nord-occidentale della Sicilia, dai Monti di San Vito alle Madonie, attraverso i Monti di Palermo. Nel settore più occidentale presso Monte Sparagio (penisola di Capo San Vito), l’analisi delle microfacies ha consentito di posizionare il limite T/J all’interno di una spessa successione di cicli peritida…