Constanze Hartmann

Human neonatal responses to androstenone

Poster P327 session VII: Olfactory Psychophysics & Clinical Studies; Central Olfaction; Aims. Human newborns show equal attraction to the odors of amniotic. fluid (AF) and mothers’ colostrum [1]. As 5-a-androst-16-en-3-. one (An) has been found in both fluids [2, 3], we studied it as a. potential vector of this perinatal odor continuity and of neonatal. attraction to the smell of breast and milk [4]. Methods. Two studies. were run. 1) We recorded the behavior of 16 newborns (3 days) and. 26 adults exposed to a saturating water solution of An and to 3. reference odorants [butyric acid, B; vanilla, V; water, W]. 2) We videotaped. 26 newborns (3 days) being administered 7 stimuli: 4 dilution. …

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Responsiveness of human neonates to the odor of 5alpha-androst-16-en-3-one: A behavioral paradox?

The odorous steroid 5alpha-androst-16-en-3-one (AND) occurs in numerous biological fluids in mammals, including man, where it is believed to play a chemocommunicative role. As AND was recently detected in milk and amniotic fluid, sensitivity and hedonic responses to this substance were assessed in human neonates. To this aim, respiration and facial expressions were recorded in 3-day-old newborns in response to aqueous solutions of AND, ranging from 500ng/mL to 0.5 fg/mL. Although analyses of respiratory rate did not lead to clear-cut results, the newborns changed their facial expressions at concentrations not detected by adults in a triangle test. Newborns displayed negative facial actions …

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Identification of odor active substances in human amniotic fluid

Poster P326 session VII: Olfactory Psychophysics & Clinical Studies; Central Olfaction; Objectives. Physiological evidence indicates that olfaction could. already function in the human fetus [1]. Right after birth the odor. of amniotic fluid (AF) is detectable to newborns and seems to. attract [2] and calm them [3]. Such early attraction may derive. from fetal learning/memory, and may help newborns adapt to the. postnatal environment. The chemosensory basis of AF. attractiveness has not been investigated yet, and this study aimed. to characterize odor active compounds therein. Methods. The. flavor profile of AF was monitored by descriptive sensory. evaluation using an adult panel, while the…

research product

Human sweat odour conjugates in human milk, colostrum and amniotic fluid

International audience; Using ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry we identified for the first time glutamine-N-alpha-conjugates of the fatty acids (E)/(Z)-3-methylhex-2-enoic acid and (R)/(S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylhexanoic acid as well as cysteinylglycine-S-conjugates of (R)/(S)-3-methyl-3-sulphanylhexan-1-ol and (R)/(S)-3-sulphanylhexan-1-ol as constituents of human milk and colostrum. The glutamine-N-alpha-conjugates were detected also in human amniotic fluids. The mean values of glutamine-N-alpha-conjugate of (R)/(S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylhexanoic acid were highest in colostrums with a range of <0.1-382 mu g/kg, followed by the mature human milk with values from <0.1 to 39.…

research product

Chemical and behavioral approaches in the elucidation of olfactory interactions between human mothers and newborns

research product

Unconditional response to offensive smells: what we learn from newborns'reactions

Years after years, the accumulation of results permits us to better. understand the development of human food preferences during the. lifespan. The foetal and neonatal periods appear to be very important. in this process. Neonates are attracted to volatile compounds. being present in the amniotic environment (Marlier et al., 1997). Women who consumed garlic, alcohol, anise, or carrot flavour in. late pregnancy produce offsprings that manifest positive responses. towards these odorants, for durations ranging from hours, days to. months (Hepper, 1995; Faas et al., 2000; Schaal et al., 2000; Mennella. et al., 2001). After birth, the exposition to an artificial odorant. (camomile) spread on the…

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