G Barresi

DNA analysis as tool for identification of bacteria in archaeological watellogged wood

S32. Wooden artifacts: from wood identification to dating and conservation/restoration strategies DNA analysis as tool for identification of bacteria in archaeological waterlogged wood Palla, Franco; University of Palermo; Palermo; Italy Barresi, Giovanna; University of Palermo; Palermo; Italy Di Carlo, Enza; University of Palermo; Palermo; Italy In this work molecular techniques were applied in order to integrate the results obtained by Optical (OM) and Scanning Electron (SEM) Microscopy, to understanding and assessing the changes in the anatomical structure of archaeological waterlogged wood (Pinus sp.) induced by bacteria colonization. Observation of wooden thin sections by OM showed the…

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An integrated approach was applied for the characterization of the biological airborne particulate in four Sicilian sites with peculiar structure, thermo-hygrometric and lighting parameters. We focalized the attention on: ,) Crypt in the Cathedral Treasury Museum (Palermo), an underground environment (lithic and stone artifact), daily visited by tourist and characterized by a reduced indoor-outdoor exchange; it) the Saints Cave in Licodia Eubea (Catania), a semi-confined environment (fresco), strongly influenced by the surrounding countryside and by a continuous airflow; iit) the Diocesan Historic Archive in Palermo, (documentary funds, IX-XXsec.), characterized by low air change rate and r…

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Inflammatory reaction and isolation of multifunctional bioactive molecules in cnidarians: from Immunobiology to Blue Biotechnology

The phylum of Cnidaria is one of the first branches in the tree of animal life to provide crucial insights on the evolution of immunity. Cnidarians are diblastic aquatic animals with radial symmetry and they are the simplest multicellular organisms that have reached the level of tissue organization. The renewed interest in the study of immunity in Cnidaria has led to additional information to the scenario of the first stages of immunity evolution revealing the cellular processes involved in symbiosis, in the regulation of homeostasis and in the fight against infections. We investigated the inflammatory response in Cnidarian following injection of various substances different in type and dim…

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Biotechnology for microbial monitoring of indoor cultural heritage environments

An integrated approach for the characterization of bioaerosol was employed in different sites (that include hypogeal and semi-confined areas), characterized by great cultural/artistic interest besides peculiar architectural structures, thermo- hygrometric and lighting parameters. These typologies of indoor environments preserve several artworks like mural paintings, stone-works, paper or parchments that are susceptible of microbial colonization. The presence of fungal spores and low air change can induce both potentially effects to human health (users/operators) or biodegradation of historical-artistic manufacts. We perform bioaerosol sampling by a portable sampler (Sartorius MD8), equipped…

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Stone works of art located outdoors are exposed to natural deterioration, due to several physical, chemical and biological factors. Biological macro- and micro-systems (e.g. weeds, insects, algae, mosses, fungi and bacteria) may induce the biodeterioration of stone materials. In February 2014, the state of conservation of the Fountain of the two Dragons in Palermo was examined, during which time biological colonization in some areas of the fountain and statues, was also detected. The monument represents an excellent substrate for the development and growth of microrganisms and organisms that need a continuous supply of water. Direct solar irradiance promotes the development of photoautotrop…

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Rivelazione e Caratterizzazione di Consorzi Microbici in Reperti Lignei Sommersi

In questa lavoro sono state affrontate le problematiche relative alla valutazione dello stato di conservazione del legno archeologico sommerso (waterlogged wood) in relazione ai fattori che ne inducono il degrado. L’attenzione è stata rivolta ai processi di biodeterioramento, indotti dall’attività di alcuni microrganismi che utilizzano le componenti principali del legno, la cui identificazione è stata eseguita ricorrendo a tecniche sia colturali sia molecolari. In particolare, le tecniche molecolari che si sono rivelate di immediata applicazione per lo studio e la caratterizzazione dei microrganismi che colonizzano i beni di interesse storico artistico e i manufatti d’interesse archeologico…

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Monitoring Biological Damage on Paper-based Documents in the Historical Archive of the Palermo Astronomical Observatory

Libraries and archives house a wide variety of documents made of materials of vegetal and animal origin: unbound papers and books, manuscripts and printed books, photographs (negative and positive), prints, maps, available to the public for reading needs, study and information. These materials are often subject to fluctuations in environmental and micro-environmental parameters. For this reason, it is essential to implement constant monitoring and control of environmental conditions and potential deteriogens in order to slow down deterioration processes. The monitoring of the microbial degradation of paper documents in the Historical Archives of Palermo Astronomical Observatory has revealed…

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Biotecnology and Cultural Heritage: bioactive molecules applied in restoration projects

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Bacteria consortia and deterioration of archaeological waterlogged wood: identification by molecular and microscopy techniques

In this study molecular tools are applied to reveal and identify bacterial colonization in waterlogged wood to assessing the changes induced in anatomical structure, previously observed by Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy (1). The results obtained by observation of wooden thin sections (OM), shown the presence of black and dark-brown areas and mineral concretions. The SEM analysis revealed a specific cell walls alteration, attributable to bacterial activity, other than abundant pyrite framboids (FeS2). The presence of sulfur compounds in archaeological waterlogged wood can indicate both long-term burial in anoxic environment and colonization by sulfate-reducing bacteria. Molecular m…

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In the last decades molecular biology has provided innovative approaches in order to set up specific protocols for the conservation and restoration of cultural assets. In this study, which falls within the so called field of Blue-biotechnology, new bio-reactive peptides isolated from marine invertebrate organisrns (Cnidaria and Molluscs) were tested aim to bio-cleaning (proteolytic- peptides) the surfaces or to control (antimicrobial-peptides) the colonization of historic-artistic manufacts by fungi or bacteria. Particularly, the proteolytic-peptides showed hydrolytic activity, specific for animal-glue, in a range of temperatures of 4-37°C; than acting without heating the surface, by a cont…

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