Ignacio Fierro
Mio-Pliocene rodent assemblages from Alcoi Forn (Alcoy Basin, Eastern Spain). Biostratigraphical and palaeoclimatical inferences
AbstractIn this work, we describe four new micromammal sites in the northern side of the Gormaget ravine, in the Alcoy Basin (Spain): AF-1’06, AF-1’07, AF-1A and AF-2. Based on the study of the faunal remains from these localities, we infer a latest Turolian-earliest Ruscinian age for AF-1’06 and AF-1A, and an earliest Ruscinian age for AF-1’07 and AF-2. The species assemblage of the locality AF-1’06, the only one which have yielded a sufficient number of remains to perform a palaecological analysis, shows warm and dry conditions near the Mio-Pliocene boundary in the Alcoy Basin. These data show a reduction of dry and warm indicators from older to younger localities in the Alcoy Basin, sugg…
The fossil rodent faunas of the localities Alcoy 2C and 2D (Alcoy Basin, Spain). Implications for dating the classical locality of Alcoy-Mina
In the Gormaig area (Alcoy basin, SE Spain) a number of fossil mammal localities are known, of which only the classic site of Alcoy-Mina, known since the mid-19th century, has yielded remains of macrofauna. In the vicinity of this site are the localities of Alcoy-2C (AL2C) and Alcoy-2D (AL2D), probably representing the levels of Alcoy-Mina. The faunal assemblage allows dating the AL2C and AL2D localities as Early Pliocene (end of the Early Ruscinian or early-late Ruscinian boundary, MN14-MN15). Several taxa (Pliopetaurista and Glis) are thought to have affinities for humid and close biotopes. En el área del Gormaig (cuenca de Alcoy, SE España), se conocen toda una serie de yacimientos de ma…
Early Pliocene continental vertebrate fauna at Puerto de la Cadena (SE Spain) and its bearing on the marine-continental correlation of the Late Neogene of Eastern Betics
In this paper, we synthesize sedimentological, magnetostratigraphic and paleontological data from the continental vertebrate site of Puerto de la Cadena (Murcia, SE Spain), in order to clarify its age. The study site is located on the northern edge of the Carrascoy mountain range, in the upper part of the Cigarrón Unit. The end-Messinian discontinuity has been detected at the base of this unit, which indicates it has an early Pliocene age. Abundant remains of small and large vertebrates, including rodents, lagomorphs, primates, carnivorans, perissodactyls, artiodactyls, proboscideans, testudines, squamats, and crocodiles, have been found in this area. Some of these elements are of African o…