Dirk Rathlev
ZZ production at the LHC: Fiducial cross sections and distributions in NNLO QCD
We consider QCD radiative corrections to the production of four charged leptons in the ZZ signal region at the LHC. We report on the complete calculation of the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) corrections to this process in QCD perturbation theory. Numerical results are presented for $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV, using typical selection cuts applied by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations. The NNLO corrections increase the NLO fiducial cross section by about $15\%$, and they have a relatively small impact on the shape of the considered kinematical distributions. In the case of the $\Delta\Phi$ distribution of the two Z candidates, the NNLO corrections improve the agreement of the theoretical predictio…
ZZ production at hadron colliders in NNLO QCD
We report on the first calculation of next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) QCD corrections to the inclusive production of ZZ pairs at hadron colliders. Numerical results are presented for pp collisions with centre-of-mass energy ($\sqrt{s}$) ranging from 7 to 14 TeV. The NNLO corrections increase the NLO result by an amount varying from $11\%$ to $17\%$ as $\sqrt{s}$ goes from 7 to 14 TeV. The loop-induced gluon fusion contribution provides about $60\%$ of the total NNLO effect. When going from NLO to NNLO the scale uncertainties do not decrease and remain at the $\pm 3\%$ level.
W+W−Production at Hadron Colliders in Next to Next to Leading Order QCD
Charged gauge boson pair production at the Large Hadron Collider allows detailed probes of the fundamental structure of electroweak interactions. We present precise theoretical predictions for on-shell W+ W- production that include, for the first time, QCD effects up to next to next to leading order in perturbation theory. As compared to next to leading order, the inclusive W+ W- cross section is enhanced by 9% at 7 TeV and 12% at 14 TeV. The residual perturbative uncertainty is at the 3% level. The severe contamination of the W+ W- cross section due to top-quark resonances is discussed in detail. Comparing different definitions of top-free W+ W- production in the four and five flavor numbe…
Transverse-momentum resummation for vector-boson pair production at NNLL+NNLO
We consider the transverse-momentum ($p_T$) distribution of $ZZ$ and $W^+W^-$ boson pairs produced in hadron collisions. At small $p_T$, the logarithmically enhanced contributions due to multiple soft-gluon emission are resummed to all orders in QCD perturbation theory. At intermediate and large values of $p_T$, we consistently combine resummation with the known fixed-order results. We exploit the most advanced perturbative information that is available at present: next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic resummation combined with the next-to-next-to-leading fixed-order calculation. After integration over $p_T$, we recover the known next-to-next-to-leading order result for the inclusive cross se…
$W^{+}W^{-}$ production at the LHC: fiducial cross sections and distributions in NNLO QCD
We consider QCD radiative corrections to $W^+W^-$ production at the LHC and present the first fully differential predictions for this process at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in perturbation theory. Our computation consistently includes the leptonic decays of the $W$ bosons, taking into account spin correlations, off-shell effects and non-resonant contributions. Detailed predictions are presented for the different-flavour channel $pp\to\mu^+e^-\nu_\mu {\bar \nu}_e+X$ at $\sqrt{s}=8$ and $13$ TeV. In particular, we discuss fiducial cross sections and distributions in the presence of standard selection cuts used in experimental $W^+W^-$ and $H\to W^+W^-$ analyses at the LHC. The inclus…