Jiby Mathew Puthenparambil


Being able to provide sufficiently good care for older people: care workers and their working conditions in Finland

This study examines whether care workers in Finland feel able to provide adequate care for older people and analyses the working conditions that limit them from providing it. One third of the respondents felt that they were not able to provide sufficient care for older people. This was seen as being due to excessive workloads, a general lack of staff and accompanying physical and mental burdens. Improving care workers’ working conditions would enhance their work–life balance and allow them to help older people avoid situations of care poverty, that is, to receive the level of care they deserve.

research product

Using Private Social Care Services in Finland : Free or Forced Choices for Older People?

Use of private social care services among older people is increasing in Finland. This study aims to understand why older people choose private care in a comprehensive tax-subsidized social care system and examines whether people choose private service as a free choice or a forced choice as well as what factors contribute toward making these choices. Data for this study (N = 1,436) were gathered in 2010 from people aged 75 and above living independently at home in two Finnish cities: Tampere and Jyväskylä. Data were analyzed with several quantitative tests: chi-squared tests, multinomial regression analysis, and qualitative content analysis (for the open-ended responses from the survey quest…

research product

Psychophysical burden and lack of support : Reasons for care workers’ intentions to leave their work in the Nordic countries

Long-term care of older adults is currently suffering from a shortage of trained personnel and high turnover rates. Care work is poorly paid, demanding, increasingly time-bound and both mentally and physically burdensome. In this study, we examined the individual, organisational and economic factors that predict professional care workers’ intentions to leave their current employment, using the NORDCARE survey data (2015, N = 3801) collected in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The respondents were mainly practical and assistant nurses. The analysis showed that the predictors of intentions to leave were similar in the four countries. The most consistent organisational predictors of leavin…

research product

Hoivatyö muutoksessa : suomalainen vanhustyö pohjoismaisessa vertailussa

NORDCARE2-tutkimushanke on pohjoismaisen tutkijaryhmän vuonna 2015 toteuttama uusintatutkimus kymmenen vuotta aiemmasta tutkimuksesta, joka tuotti ensimmäistä kertaa vertailukelpoista tietoa hoivatyön työtehtävistä ja työolosuhteista eri Pohjoismaissa. Tämä raportti esittää hankkeen keskeisimmät tulokset suomalaisen hoivatyön näkökulmasta. NORDCARE2-hankkeen kyselyaineisto kerättiin syksyllä 2015. Suomessa tutkimuksen otoksena toimi molemmilla kerroilla Superin, JHL:n ja Tehyn vanhustyötä tekevästä jäsenkunnasta tehty satunnaisotos. Sairaanhoitajat eivät sisälly tutkimukseen. Vuonna 2005 kysely lähetettiin Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Norjassa ja Tanskassa kussakin 1200 vastaajalle ja vuonna 2015 2…

research product

Care poverty : unmet care needs in a Nordic welfare state

This article introduces the concept of care poverty, defined as inadequate coverage of care needs resulting from an interplay between individual and societal factors, and examines its level and predictors among the 75+ population in Finland. The data come from a survey conducted in 2010 and 2015. Despite the universalistic goals of the Finnish care system, 26 percent of respondents with limitations in daily activities faced care poverty with regard to instrumental activities of daily living; the activities of daily living care poverty rate was 17 percent. Concerning instrumental activities of daily living, care poverty was associated with income level, health status and living arrangements,…

research product

Users of home-care services in a Nordic welfare state under marketisation: the rich, the poor and the sick

Stricter access to public services, outsourcing of municipal services and increasing allocation of public funding for the purchase of private services have resulted in a marketisation wave in Finland. In this context of a Nordic welfare state undergoing marketisation, this paper aims to examine the use of Finnish care services among older people and find out who are using these new kinds of private services. How wide is their use and do the users of private care services differ from those who are using public services? How usual is it to mix both public and private care services? The questionnaire survey data set used here was gathered in 2010 among the population aged 75 and over in the ci…

research product

Outsourcing within the Nordic context: Care services for older people in Finland.

The early 1990s economic setback brought significant reforms favoring the outsourcing of care in Finnish municipalities. Here, outsourcing refers to the practice of municipalities employing private organizations through different means (e.g., open tendering) to deliver public care services. In this context, this study examines the growth in the outsourcing of service housing and home-help services in 311 municipalities from 2001 to 2015 and investigates the municipal factors associated with outsourcing using four dimensions: care needs, population size, economic situation, and political ideology of the municipality. The findings reveal a steep increase in the outsourcing of home-help and se…

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