Lasma Katsena
Gender and Age Group Differences in Stereotypes about Mental Health Care Providers
Mental health care providers play a significant role in the prevention of mental health problems and promotion of well-being. The aim of the study was to explore gender and age group differences in stereotypes about helping professionals in the mental health care field. The data were derived from 338 Latvian-speaking adults aged 18 to 87. They rated stereotypic characteristics of five typical helping professionals (a family doctor, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a clergyman, and an astrologer) on a seven-point Likert-type scale. The stereotype content model was used to measure warmth and competence stereotypes (Fiske, Xu, Cuddy, & Glick, 1999). Gender differences show that women rate a typ…
An improved method for evaluating ideal standards in self-perception and mate preferences
The aim of the study was to improve the methodology for measuring ideals of self-perception and mate preferences. The Ideal Standards Model (ISM; Fletcher, Simpson, Thomas & Giles, 1999) was used as a basis for development of the scale. It was further modified by adding a number of items from previous studies. Data were collected from 223 participants, aged 19 to 27 years. The results suggested that a modified five-factor version of the ISM is an appropriate method for evaluation of ideal characteristics. The five factors are warmth/ trustworthiness, status/ resources, intelligence, social skills and physical attractiveness.