Petteri Horppila
Differences in parasite community composition support ecological differentiation in a freshwater gadoid fish
Several northern freshwater fishes have gone through rapid adaptive radiation after the last glacial period, resulting in new species or intraspecific morphs with distinct life histories. Parasite infections can promote adaptive radiations and spatiotemporal differences in patterns of infections can potentially reveal incipient or ongoing speciation processes. We investigated intraspecific differentiation in a freshwater gadoid fish, burbot (Lota lota), by exploring differences in parasite infections between two potential life-history morphs in Lake Konnevesi, Central-Finland, one reproducing species characteristically in shallow littoral waters in February and the other possibly in deep pr…
Alkuperäinen aineisto julkaisulle: Differences in parasite community composition support ecological differentiation in a freshwater gadoid fish
The data file contains original data from burbot (Lota lota), captured from two sampling depths, littoral and profundal, in Lake Konnevesi during the breeding season of the fish in 2019-2020. The other variables indicate total body length of the fish (mm), gender, and abundance of 9 metazoan parasite taxa observed in the fish. Column F indicates the mean coverage of cataracts caused by Diplostomum parasites found in the eye lenses (column E).