N. G. Stefanis

Can we understand an auxetic pion-photon transition form factor within QCD?

A state-of-the-art analysis of the pion-photon transition form factor is presented based on an improved theoretical calculation that includes the effect of a finite virtuality of the quasireal photon in the method of light-cone sum rules. We carry out a detailed statistical analysis of the existing experimental data using this method and by employing pion distribution amplitudes with up to three Gegenbauer coefficients a(2), a(4), a(6). Allowing for an error range in the coefficient a(6) approximate to 0, the theoretical predictions for gamma*gamma -> pi(0) obtained with nonlocal QCD sum rules are found to be in good agreement with all data that support a scaling behavior of the transition …

research product

QCD and Strongly Coupled Gauge Theories: Challenges and Perspectives

We dedicate this document to the memory of Mikhail Polikarpov, who passed away in July 2013. Misha worked with us for decades as a convener of the “Confinement” section of the Quark Confinement and Hadron Spectrum Series. He guided and expanded the scientific discussion of that topic, inspiring and under taking new research avenues. From its initial conception, he supported the enterprise of this document and organized Sect. 8, writing the part on confinement himself. He attracted the XIth Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum to St. Petersburg (September 8-12, 2014; see http://phys.spbu.ru/confxi.html). His warm and kind personality, his high sense of humor, his ideas in …

research product