Dario Buttitta


Hydrogeochemical multi-component approach to assess fluids upwelling and mixing in shallow carbonate-evaporitic aquifers (Contursi area, southern Apennines, Italy)

With the aim of deepening our understanding of deep-seated fluids upwelling and mixing in large regional aquifers, we performed a hydrogeochemical study of twenty-two springs in the Contursi area (upper Sele river valley, southern Apennines) by means of the measurements of chemical-physical parameters, major ions, trace elements, and stable and radioactive isotopes. Besides, we realized two updated geo-structural cross-sections in order to reconstruct the groundwater flowpath in the study area. The hydrogeochemical composition, as well as the water temperature allow to identify-three main groups of groundwater: Cold and Low salinity Groundwater (CLGW), Intermediate Salinity Groundwater (ISG…

research product

Mud volcanoes as key-systems to investigate continental degassing and therole of seismicity on mass transfer

The flow of fluids into the Earth’s crust can produce large-scale heat and mass transport. The mechanisms and driving forces for this fluid-transport range from molecular diffusion, to grain boundary diffusion and to advective flow. Recent studies [Torgersen,2010 and references therein] suggest that largescale vertical transport of fluids in the continental crust is likely advective and episodic. So it is crucial to understand if the variability of the measured degassing flux is a reflection of this episodic and advective transport. Here we try to answer these questions by using the noble gases. In particularly He that is recognized as a powerful tracer in variousfields, such as hydrology, …

research product

Continental degassing of helium in an active tectonic setting (northern Italy): the role of seismicity

AbstractIn order to investigate the variability of helium degassing in continental regions, its release from rocks and emission into the atmosphere, here we studied the degassing of volatiles in a seismically active region of northern Italy (MwMAX = 6) at the Nirano-Regnano mud volcanic system. The emitted gases in the study area are CH4–dominated and it is the carrier for helium (He) transfer through the crust. Carbon and He isotopes unequivocally indicate that crustal-derived fluids dominate these systems. An high-resolution 3-dimensional reconstruction of the gas reservoirs feeding the observed gas emissions at the surface permits to estimate the amount of He stored in the natural reserv…

research product