G Conti
Preliminary data revealing efficacy of Streptococcus salivarius K12 (SSK12) in Periodic Fever, Aphthous stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and cervical Adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome : a multicenter study from the AIDA Network PFAPA syndrome registry
ObjectiveTo evaluate the potential role of Streptococcus salivarius K12 (SSK12) in controlling febrile flares in patients with Periodic Fever, Aphthous stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and cervical Adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome. Further aims were to assess the impact of SSK12 on (i) flare duration, (ii) variation in the degree of the highest body temperature during flares, (iii) steroid-sparing effect, and (iv) change of PFAPA accompanying symptoms before and after SSK12 introduction.Patients and methodsThe medical charts from 85 pediatric patients with PFAPA syndrome (49 males and 36 females) enrolled in the AIDA registry and treated with SSK12 for a median period of 6.00 ± 7.00 months in the period b…
Canakinumab in Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Clinical Inactive Disease Rate and Safety in Italian Patients
Introduction: Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA) accounts for 10-20% of all patients with JIA. The demonstration of a key role of IL-1 and IL-6 in the pathogenesis of the disease, led to consider sJIA an autoinflammatory disease: this explain the successfully use of IL-1 and IL-6 inhibitors. While the efficacy and safety of anakinra in sJIA is widely documented, there are no reports on large series of patients treated with canakinumab outside of the setting of clinical trials. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical response rate and disease course of canakinumab in Italian cohort of patients with sJIA. Methods: This is a retrospective multicenter study. Demogr…
Search for supersymmetry in events with large missing transverse momentum, jets, and at least one tau lepton in 7 TeV proton-proton collision data with the ATLAS detector
A search for supersymmetry (SUSY) in events with large missing transverse momentum, jets, and at least one hadronically decaying τ lepton, with zero or one additional light lepton (e/μ), has been performed using 4.7 fb[superscript −1] of proton-proton collision data at √s = 7 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. No excess above the Standard Model background expectation is observed and a 95 % confidence level visible cross-sectionupper limit for new phenomena is set. In the framework of gauge-mediated SUSY-breaking models, lower limits on the mass scale Λ are set at 54 TeV in the regions where the [bar over τ]1 is the next-to-lightest SUSY particle (tanβ > 20). …
Improved luminosity determination in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the LHC
The luminosity calibration for the ATLAS detector at the LHC during pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV in 2010 and 2011 is presented. Evaluation of the luminosity scale is performed using several luminosity-sensitive detectors, and comparisons are made of the long-term stability and accuracy of this calibration applied to the pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV. A luminosity uncertainty of Delta L/L = +/- 3.5% is obtained for the 47 pb-1 of data delivered to ATLAS in 2010, and an uncertainty of Delta L/L = +/- 1.8% is obtained for the 5.5 fb-1 delivered in 2011.
A Generative Design System to interactively explore different urban scenarios
In this paper we present a new parametric approach based on urban regulation, in order to generate digital models of building, directly within a three-dimensional geo-referenced environment. The system allows user, through implementation of specific generative procedures, to manage interactive architectural design processes. The designer is able to explore all possible infinite scenarios and the various possible design alternatives, by changing the parameters values and verifying in real time the results of the changes. This paper presents a short review of the main related works and an experiment.
Architectural shapes generated in 3D Geobrowser through environmental constraints
Canakinumab in systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis: clinical inactive disease rate and safety in italian patients
Introduction: Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA) is a polygenic autoinflammatory disease. The pathophysiology is still unclear, it is now well known that innate immune mechanisms play a central role with overproduction of inflammatory cytokines. The increased knowledge on the role of these cytokines has provided a change in the natural history of the disease with the introduction of the targeted treatments. Remarkable results has been observed with canakinumab, an anti-interleukin-1β monoclonal antibody, in two clinical trials but little information are available in real life. Objectives: To evaluate clinical inactive disease rate and safety of canakinumab in Italian patients wit…
Search for light scalar top quark pair production in final states with two leptons with the ATLAS detector in sqrt(s) = 7 TeV proton-proton collisions
A search is presented for the pair production of light scalar top quarks in s√=7 TeV proton–proton collisions recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. This analysis uses the full data sample collected during 2011 running that corresponds to a total integrated luminosity of 4.7 fb[superscript −1]. Light scalar top quarks are searched for in events with two opposite-sign leptons (e, μ), large missing transverse momentum and at least one jet in the final state. No excess over Standard Model expectations is found, and the results are interpreted under the assumption that the light scalar top decays to a b-quark in addition to an on-shell chargino whose decay occurs through…
Search for supersymmetry in events with photons, bottom quarks, and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector
A search has been performed for the experimental signature of an isolated photon with high transverse momentum, at least one jet identified as originating from a bottom quark, and high missing transverse momentum. Such a final state may originate from supersymmetric models with gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking in events in which one of a pair of higgsino-like neutralinos decays into a photon and a gravitino while the other decays into a Higgs boson and a gravitino. The search is performed using the full dataset of 7 TeV proton–proton collisions recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC in 2011, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.7 fb−1. A total of 7 candidate events are o…
Search for pair-produced massive coloured scalars in four-jet final states with the ATLAS detector in proton–proton collisions at √s =7 TeV
A search for pair-produced massive coloured scalar particles decaying to a four-jet final state is performed by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC in proton–proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV. The analysed data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb[superscript −1]. No deviation from the Standard Model is observed in the invariant mass spectrum of the two-jet pairs. A limit on the scalar gluon pair production cross section of 70 pb (10 pb) is obtained at the 95 % confidence level for a scalar gluon mass of 150 GeV (350 GeV). Interpreting these results as mass limits on scalar gluons, masses ranging from 150 GeV to 287 GeV are excluded at the 95 % confidence level.
Search for a heavy top-quark partner in final states with two leptons with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
The results of a search for direct pair production of heavy top-quark partners in 4.7 fb[superscript −1] of integrated luminosity from pp collisions at s√ = 7 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC are reported. Heavy top-quark partners decaying into a top quark and a neutral non-interacting particle are searched for in events with two leptons in the final state. No excess above the Standard Model expectation is observed. Limits are placed on the mass of a supersymmetric scalar top and of a spin-1/2 top-quark partner. A spin-1/2 top-quark partner with a mass between 300 GeV and 480 GeV, decaying to a top quark and a neutral non-interacting particle lighter than 100 GeV, is excluded …
The waiting time for prostate cancer treatment in Italy: analysis from the PROS-IT CNR Study.
Background Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most common neoplasm in male patients. To date, there's no certain indication about the maximum waiting time (WT) acceptable for treatment beginning and the impact on oncological and functional outcomes has not been well established. Methods Data from the National Research Council PCa monitoring multicenter project in Italy (Pros-IT CNR) were prospectively collected and analyzed. WT was defined as the time from the bioptical diagnosis of PCa to the first treatment received. Patients were divided in two groups, using a time frame of 90 days. Quality of life was measured through the Italian version of the University of California Los Angeles-Pros…