Delfina Fletcher-sanfeliu
An 'easy' method to understand perianal sepsis - a video vignette.
Simulation of Supralevator Abscesses and Complex Fistulas in Cadavers: Pelvic Dissemination and Drainage Routes
BACKGROUND: Most perianal abscesses have a cryptoglandular origin, following the pathogenesis described by Parks in 1961. Supralevator abscesses have the most uncommon location. Nevertheless, such pathology results in a high morbidity because of their difficult diagnosis and treatment. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to deepen the knowledge of the pathogenesis and management of supralevator abscesses, as well as the complications derived from incorrect treatment, by using simulation in cadavers. DESIGN: This study is an anatomosurgical description of pelvic and perianal zone and simulation of the different types of supralevator abscesses, their correct drainage routes, and secondary complex fis…
Surgical anatomy of the deep postanal space and the re-modified Hanley procedure - a video vignette.
Anatomical strategy for complete laparoscopic mesocolic excision for splenic flexure colonic cancer - a video vignette
Surgical anatomy applied to transperitoneal approaches of the abdominal aorta and visceral trunks. Dynamic article.
Access to the abdominal aorta and its visceral trunks is possible through several approaches. Dissections of five cadavers performed during three National Surgical Anatomy courses applied to Aorta, Hepatobiliopancreatic and Digestive Surgery. Videos and pictures were taken throughout the dissections and showed different abdominal aorta approaches. Abdominal aorta and visceral trunks approaches: longitudinal inframesocolic access, supraceliac clamping, celiac trunk dissection, superior mesenteric artery approaches (retroperitoneal after Kocher menoeuvre, supramesocolic or inframesocolic), Cattell-Braasch manoeuvre and mattox manoeuvre: retrorenal and prerenal. Correct knowledge of the intraa…
'Pulmonary thrombosis in situ': risk factors, clinic characteristics and long-term evolution.
: Pulmonary embolism typically occurs from deep venous thrombosis (DVT). However, not always a DVT can be identified, and 'in situ' generation of pulmonary embolism has been considered, referred to in the literature as 'De novo pulmonary embolism' (DNPE). The objective of the study is to assess risk factors, comorbidities, clinic characteristics and long-term evolution of patients with pulmonary embolism in the absence of an identified source. Retrospective study of 280 patients with pulmonary embolism, 190 pulmonary embolisms with DVT group and 90 (32%) pulmonary embolism without DVT (DNPE group), admitted to an Internal Medicine Department of a tertiary hospital from January 2012 to Decem…
Anatomía quirúrgica aplicada a abordajes transperitoneales de la aorta abdominal y los troncos viscerales. Artículo dinámico
Resumen Los cirujanos cardiovasculares y del aparato digestivo deberian estar al corriente de las multiples alternativas de abordaje de la aorta abdominal y sus troncos viscerales. Articulo narrativo, ilustrado y dinamico de las diferentes maniobras quirurgicas descritas con este objetivo. Diseccion de 5 cadaveres realizadas durante tres cursos nacionales de Anatomia Quirurgica aplicada a aorta integral, Cirugia hepatobiliopancreatica y Cirugia abdominal digestiva. Maniobras quirurgicas descritas: abordaje aortico inframesocolico longitudinal, abordaje aortico supraceliaco, abordaje del tronco celiaco, tres tipos de abordaje de la arteria mesenterica superior: retroperitoneal tras maniobra …