Renaud Mathevet
Atomic diffraction from nanostructured optical potentials
We develop a versatile theoretical approach to the study of cold-atom diffractive scattering from light-field gratings by combining calculations of the optical near-field, generated by evanescent waves close to the surface of periodic nanostructured arrays, together with advanced atom wavepacket propagation on this optical potential.
Modelling resonant coupling between microring resonators addressed by optical evanescent waves
In this paper we study the properties of microring resonator structures fabricated with high-index-of-refraction dielectric material. These structures concentrate light and can produce very strong optical potential gradients. They are of great interest for the trapping, manipulation and transport of cold atoms near surfaces. The study consists of two parts: in the first part we investigate the symmetry properties of the resonator response for simple models of the microring structures. In the second part we present detailed numerical calculations of the actual spectra for realistic microfabricated structures. We employ the direct space integral equation method (DSIEM). This method, based on …