Fabio Bernardoni

Probing the chiral regime of Nf=2 QCD with mixed actions

17 páginas, 15 figuras, 9 tablas.-- El Pdf es la versión pre-print del artículo: arXiv:1008.1870v2

research product

Decay constants of B-mesons from non-perturbative HQET with two light dynamical quarks

We present a computation of B-meson decay constants from lattice QCD simulations within the framework of Heavy Quark Effective Theory for the b-quark. The next-to-leading order corrections in the HQET expansion are included non-perturbatively. Based on Nf=2 gauge field ensembles, covering three lattice spacings a (0.08-0.05)fm and pion masses down to 190MeV, a variational method for extracting hadronic matrix elements is used to keep systematic errors under control. In addition we perform a careful autocorrelation analysis in the extrapolation to the continuum and to the physical pion mass limits. Our final results read fB=186(13)MeV, fBs=224(14)MeV and fBs/fB=1.203(65). A comparison with o…

research product

Heavy-light mesons in the epsilon-regime

We study the finite-size scaling of heavy-light mesons in the static limit. We compute two-point functions of chiral current densities as well as pseudoscalar densities in the epsilon-regime of heavy meson Chiral Perturbation Theory (HMChPT). As expected, finite volume dependence turns out to be significant in this regime and can be predicted in the effective theory in terms of the infinite-volume low-energy couplings. These results might be relevant for extraction of heavy-meson properties from lattice simulations.

research product

The b-quark mass from non-perturbative Nf=2 Heavy Quark Effective Theory at O(1/mh)

Abstract We report our final estimate of the b-quark mass from N f = 2 lattice QCD simulations using Heavy Quark Effective Theory non-perturbatively matched to QCD at O ( 1 / m h ) . Treating systematic and statistical errors in a conservative manner, we obtain m ¯ b MS ¯ ( 2 GeV ) = 4.88 ( 15 ) GeV after an extrapolation to the physical point.

research product

Finite Volume Scaling of Pseudo Nambu-Goldstone Bosons in QCD

We consider chiral perturbation theory in a finite volume and in a mixed regime of quark masses. We take N_l light quarks near the chiral limit, in the so-called epsilon-regime, while the remaining N_h quarks are heavier and in the standard p-regime. We compute in this new mixed regime the finite-size scaling of the light meson correlators in the scalar, pseudoscalar, vector and axial vector channels.Using the replica method, we easily extend our results to the partially quenched theory. With the help of our results, lattice QCD simulations with 2+1 flavors can safely investigate pion physics with very light up and down quark masses even in the region where the pion's correlation length ove…

research product

Mapping the geometry of the F(4) group.

In this paper we present a construction of the compact form of the exceptional Lie group F4 by exponentiating the corresponding Lie algebra f4. We realize F4 as the automorphisms group of the exceptional Jordan algebra, whose elements are 3 x 3 hermitian matrices with octonionic entries. We use a parametrization which generalizes the Euler angles for SU(2) and is based on the fibration of F4 via a Spin(9) subgroup as a fiber. This technique allows us to determine an explicit expression for the Haar invariant measure on the F4 group manifold. Apart from shedding light on the structure of F4 and its coset manifold OP2=F4/Spin(9), the octonionic projective plane, these results are a prerequisi…

research product

B-physics from non-perturbatively renormalized HQET in two-flavour lattice QCD.

We report on the ALPHA Collaboration's lattice B-physics programme based on N_f=2 O(a) improved Wilson fermions and HQET, including all NLO effects in the inverse heavy quark mass, as well as non-perturbative renormalization and matching, to fix the parameters of the effective theory. Our simulations in large physical volume cover 3 lattice spacings a ~ (0.08-0.05) fm and pion masses down to 190 MeV to control continuum and chiral extrapolations. We present the status of results for the b-quark mass and the B_(s)-meson decay constants, f_B and f_{B_s}.

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