Michal Malinsky
Fun with the Abelian Higgs model
In calculations of the elementary scalar spectra of spontaneously broken gauge theories there are a number of subtleties which, though it is often unnecessary to deal with them in the order-of-magnitude type of calculations, have to be taken into account if fully consistent results are sought for. Within the "canonical" effective-potential approach these are, for instance: the need to handle infinite series of nested commutators of derivatives of field-dependent mass matrices, the need to cope with spurious IR divergences emerging in the consistent leading-order approximation and, in particular, the need to account for the fine interplay between the renormalization effects in the one-and tw…
Seesaw Scale in the Minimal Renormalizable SO(10) Grand Unification
Simple SO(10) Higgs models with the adjoint representation triggering the grand-unified symmetry breaking, discarded a long ago due to inherent tree-level tachyonic instabilities in the physically interesting scenarios, have been recently brought back to life by quantum effects. In this work we focus on the variant with 45_H+126_H in the Higgs sector and show that there are several regions in the parameter space of this model that can support stable unifying configurations with the B-L breaking scale as high as 10^14 GeV, well above the previous generic estimates based on the minimal survival hypothesis. This admits for a renormalizable implementation of the canonical seesaw and makes the s…
Minimal Flipped SO(10) x U(1) Supersymmetric Higgs Model
We investigate the conditions on the Higgs sector that allow supersymmetric SO(10) grand unified theories (GUT) to break spontaneously to the standard electroweak model (SM) at the renormalizable level. If one considers Higgs representations of dimension up to the adjoint, a supersymmetric standard model vacuum requires in most cases the presence of non-renormalizable (NR) operators. The active role of Planck induced NR operators in the breaking of the gauge symmetry introduces a hierarchy in the mass spectrum at the GUT scale that may be an issue for gauge unification and proton decay. We show that the minimal Higgs scenario that allows for a renormalizable breaking to the SM is obtained b…
Towards a New Minimal SO(10) Unification
We argue that non-supersymmetric SO(10) models based on a renormalizable Higgs sector in which spontaneous symmetry breaking is triggered by the VEVs of a 45-dimensional adjoint and a 126-dimensional tensor representations can provide a potentially realistic yet relatively simple framework for a future robust estimate of the proton lifetime. Following closely the work Phys.Rev.D85, 095014 (2012), arXiv: 1202.0807 [hep-ph] we comment on the gauge unification constraints on the B-L breaking scale and show that there are several regions in the parameter space of the minimal model where the seesaw scale in the phenomenologically favoured ballpark of around 10^13-14 GeV is consistently supported.
Running soft parameters in SUSY models with multiple U(1) gauge factors
Abstract We generalize the two-loop renormalization group equations for the parameters of the softly broken SUSY gauge theories given in the literature to the most general case when the gauge group contains more than a single Abelian gauge factor. The complete method is illustrated at two-loop within a specific example and compared to some of the previously proposed partial treatments.
Thermal leptogenesis in extended supersymmetric seesaw model
We consider an extended supersymmetric SO(10) seesaw model with only doublet Higgs scalars, in which neutrino masses are suppressed by the scale of D-parity violation. Leptogenesis can occur at the TeV scale through the decay of a singlet Sigma, thereby avoiding the gravitino crisis. Washout of the asymmetry can be effectively suppressed by the absence of direct couplings of Sigma to leptons.
Non-standard antineutrino interactions at Daya Bay
We study the prospects of pinning down the effects of non-standard antineutrino interactions in the source and in the detector at the Daya Bay neutrino facility. It is well known that if the non-standard interactions in the detection process are of the same type as those in the production, their net effect can be subsumed into a mere shift in the measured value of the leptonic mixing angle theta_13. Relaxing this assumption, the ratio of the antineutrino spectra measured by the Daya Bay far and near detectors is distorted in a characteristic way, and good fits based on the standard oscillation hypothesis are no longer viable. We show that, under certain conditions, three years of Daya Bay r…
LHC-scale left-right symmetry and unification
We construct a comprehensive list of nonsupersymmetric standard model extensions with a low-scale left-right (LR)-symmetric intermediate stage that may be obtained as simple low-energy effective theories within a class of renormalizable SO(10) grand unified theories. Unlike the traditional minimal LR models many of our example settings support a perfect gauge coupling unification even if the LR scale is in the LHC domain at a price of only (a few copies of) one or two types of extra fields pulled down to the TeV-scale ballpark. We discuss the main aspects of a potentially realistic model building conforming the basic constraints from the quark and lepton sector flavor structure, proton deca…
Soft masses in supersymmetric SO(10) GUTs with low intermediate scales
The specific shape of the squark, slepton and gaugino mass spectra, if measured with sufficient accuracy, can provide invaluable information not only about the dynamics underpinning their origin at some very high scale such as the unification scale ${M}_{G}$, but also about the intermediate scale physics encountered throughout their renormalization group equations evolution down to the energy scale accessible for the LHC. In this work, we study general features of the TeV scale soft supersymmetry breaking parameters stemming from a generic mSugra configuration within certain classes of supersymmetry $SO(10)$ GUTs with different intermediate symmetries below ${M}_{G}$. We show that particula…
Structure and prospects of the simplest SO(10) GUTs
We recapitulate the latest results on the class of the simplest SO(10) grand unified models in which the GUT-scale symmetry breaking is triggered by an adjoint Higgs representation. We argue that the minimal survival approximation traditionally used in the GUT- and seesaw-scale estimates tends to be blind to very interesting parts of the parameter space in which some of the intermediate-scale states necessary for non-supersymmetric unification of the SM gauge couplings can be as light as to leave their imprints in the TeV domain. The stringent minimal-survival-based estimates of the B-L scale are shown to be relaxed by as much as four orders of magnitude, thus admitting for a consistent imp…
The Hunt for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider
233 páginas.-- AHEP Group: et al..-- El Pdf del artículo es la versión pre-print: arXiv.1001.2693v1.-- Trabajo presentado al "The International Workshop on Beyond the Standard Model Physics and LHC Signatures (BSM-LHC) celebrado en Boston (USA) del 2 al 4 de junio de 2009.
Hefty MSSM-like light Higgs in extended gauge models
It is well known that in the MSSM the lightest neutral Higgs h^0 must be, at the tree level, lighter than the Z boson and that the loop corrections shift this stringent upper bound up to about 130 GeV. Extending the MSSM gauge group in a suitable way, the new Higgs sector dynamics can push the tree-level mass of h^0 well above the tree-level MSSM limit if it couples to the new gauge sector. This effect is further pronounced at the loop level and h^0 masses in the 140 GeV ballpark can be reached easily. We exemplify this for a sample setting with a low-scale U(1)_R x U(1)_B-L gauge symmetry in which neutrino masses can be implemented via the inverse seesaw mechanism.