Gas-Phase Vibrational Spectroscopy of the Hydrocarbon Cations l-C3H+, HC3H+, and c-C3H2+: Structures, Isomers, and the Influence of Ne-Tagging
We report the first gas-phase vibrational spectra of the hydrocarbon ions C3H+ and C3H2+. The ions were produced by electron impact ionization of allene. Vibrational spectra of the mass-selected ions tagged with Ne were recorded using infrared predissociation spectroscopy in a cryogenic ion trap instrument using the intense and widely tunable radiation of a free electron laser. Comparison of high-level quantum chemical calculations and resonant depletion measurements revealed that the C3H+ ion is exclusively formed in its most stable linear isomeric form, whereas two isomers were observed for C3H2+. Bands of the energetically favored cyclic c-C3H2+ are in excellent agreement with calculated…