Tapio Roiko-jokela
Uhreja, häirintää ja häiritsijöitä huumorin ja kulttuurin esiripun takana : katsauksia urheilumaailmassa tapahtuvaan sukupuoleen perustuvaan häirintään
A Century with the Same Problem - Similar but still Different Solutions? : Four perspectives on the security policies of Finland and Estonia during the approximate period of 1917-2018
Suomen urheilu- ja liikuntahistorian tutkimus- ja julkaisubibliografia 2015-2020
Jääkiekkoviihteen kysyntätekijä
The provision of professional hockey entertainment requires massive ticket revenues. As players' salaries have reached soaring heights, the stands in the ice rinks must be filled from one night to the next. This study explores some significant demand factors for hockey that can be considered to affect the public's willingness to buy tickets to hockey matches. In Finland, the liberalisation of alcohol culture is also visible in ice hockey spectators. From the point of view of event organisers, consuming alcoholic beverages is a very profitable business. A hockey match allows alcohol consumption, without social tensions. In Finland, economic considerations do not seem to affect the number of …