Francesco Lo Piparo

Tre leggende su Gramsci

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La proposition comme gnomon discret du langage. Le point de vue d’Aristote et de Wittgenstein

On appelle gnomon une partie d''une totalité qui, dès qu''on 1''ajoute ou la soustrait à celle-là, reproduit une figure semblable à la totalité dont elle est une partie : le tout et les parties dont elle est composée se trouvent donc dans une relation qu''on dit de self-similarity. On présente la définition qu’en fournit Euclide dans les “Elements”. La relation entre la proposition (la totalité) et les mots qui la composent est une relation gnomonique: les mots sont des propositions condensées et, pour cela, semblables aux propositions dont its font partie. La thèse trouve ses argumentations dans la reflexion d''Aristote et de Wittgenstein. La définition aristotélicienne de la métaphore est…

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Aristotele e Dante, filosofi della variabilità linguistica

Diversamente da quanto si legge in letteratura, Aristotele fu un filosofo che ha messo a fuoco le cause naturali della variabilità, nel tempo e nello spazio, delle lingue verbali. Dante, pur non conoscendo la lingua greca e potendo accedere alle opere aristoteliche tramite le traduzioni latine, teorizza il linguaggio in sintonia con questo aspetto della filosofia aristotelica. Nel saggio si mette in luce la somiglianza tra la locutio vulgaris teorizzata nel De vulgari eloquentia e la nozione di dialektos descritta da Aristotele nelle opere biologiche. Vengono anche esaminate le ragioni aristoteliche del motivo per cui secondo Dante gli angeli non hanno bisogno di locutio vulgaris e quindi n…

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Nome e numero: una parentela.

In this paper we describe the relationships between two fundamental “cognitive gestures” of human beings: naming and counting. In particular, we try to define these relationships by examining the theoretical efforts of such authors as Euclide, Frege, Wittgenstein, Chomsky and Aristotle. The analysis is centered around justifying the mutual dependence between noun and number in human cognition.

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L’alterità come fondamento dell’identità. Riflessioni teoriche

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Il segno linguistico è a due facce? Saussure e la topologia

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La proposizione come gnomone linguistico

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L'autocoscienza animale secondo Aristotele

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How the Context Matters. Literal and Figurative Meaning in the Embodied Language Paradigm

The involvement of the sensorimotor system in language understanding has been widely demonstrated. However, the role of context in these studies has only recently started to be addressed. Though words are bearers of a semantic potential, meaning is the product of a pragmatic process. It needs to be situated in a context to be disambiguated. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that embodied simulation occurring during linguistic processing is contextually modulated to the extent that the same sentence, depending on the context of utterance, leads to the activation of different effector-specific brain motor areas. In order to test this hypothesis, we asked subjects to give a moto…

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Angolo retto e nome ortogonale

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Un contastorie della propria vita

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Sema-valore o segno? Rilettura di manoscritti saussuriani

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La biplanarità delle lingue

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L'identità siciliana non passa dal dialetto

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On the Nature of Bodies. With the Help of Aristotle

I will deal with a cognitivist scientist of the fourth century BC, Aristotle, and his theory of the natural cognitive nature of bodies. I believe this can make a good contribution to the contemporary debate. Cognitivists do not usually have first-hand knowledge of him. Instead, above all thanks to Damasio, they know Spinoza, who however was indebted in turn to the Greek philosopher.

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Why Human Ontology is Language-dependent

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La lunga durata del libro di Camilleri

Viene studiato il radicamento nella storia della lingua italiana delle scelte linguistiche di Camilleri.

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Fu Adamo a dare i nomi agli animali? Genesi 2, 18-23

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Angolo retto e nome ortogonale. I modelli matematici del Cratilo

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Le premier manifeste du structuralisme linguistique : le chapitre 20 de la Poétique d’Aristote

International audience; 'Structuralisme' est un terme qui a beaucoup de significations. Ici, je vais employer le terme ‘structure’ dans la signification générale, rappelée par Christian Puech dans son Introduction, de “système de systèmes de valeurs”. L’idée que les langues sont des systèmes de systèmes de valeurs ne nait ni avec Saussure ni avec Troubetskoy ou Jakobson. Il s’agit d’un point de vue qui est apparu plusieurs fois dans l’histoire de la pensée et qui, pourtant, autant de fois a été oublié. Je vais donner quelques-unes des preuves qui montrent qu’Aristote a été parmi les premiers à penser que la langue verbale est justement un système de systèmes de valeurs.

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Il correre lento della filosofia

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Truth, Negation and Meaning

‘True’ and ‘False’ are defined through a linguistic rule requiring the negation operator. This is the elaboration of an idea proffered for the first time by the Stoics on the basis of some remarks by Aristotle and then in modern times by Frege and Wittgenstein. Another thesis of this essay is the following: the true/false rule is a sort of UR-Regel underlying all linguistic practices (including prayers and commands) and all human cultures. Reinterpreting the notion of Spielraum put forward by Wittgenstein in 4.463 of the Tractatus, I will present an implicational pragmatic theory of a true proposition. Jokes and reductio ad absurdum are explained as examples of Spielraum.

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Due fedi imprescindibili

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Sur la "grammaire publique" du sujet parlant

A partire dalla rilettura di un passo della "Retorica" di Aristotele,si sostiene che l'ascoltatore, non solo è parte costitutiva del linguaggio, ma è anche il motore reale del parlare. Tanto da proporre di riscrivere la formula "parlante-ascoltatore" in "ascoltatore-parlante". Ne seguono osservazioni sul ruolo della negazione nelle lingue verbali e una rilettura della nozione wittgensteiniana di "gioco linguistico".

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La Sicilia linguistica di Giuseppe Gentile

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Saussure et les Grecs

Saussure was an innovator of the meta-linguistic terminology, too. In addition to his theoretical analysis he tried to find the more adequate terms to explain how the language works. The Greek philosophers were the main source of this theoretical and terminological research. The essay compares concepts and terms of the Saussurian linguistic with concepts and terms of Greek philosophy. "Signifiant" and "signifié", for example, which belong to the common sense of modern linguist, are a Saussurian innovation modeled on the stoic couple "semainon/semainòmenon". But this is not a loan translation. He focuses on the arbitrary nature of their relation through the Aristotle’s and early Stoicism’s a…

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Possono angeli, animali e macchine sognare

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Filosofia, Lingua, Politica. Saggi sulla tradizione linguistica italiana

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Archeologia del simbolo

Originally, the term "symbol" did not mean "conventional sign of something else" or "something which relates to something else by similarity". In ancient Greece it had the meaning of “a half complementary of a whole”. The essay reconstructs the epistemic history of this notion and considers the Christian culture as the key-moment of the transition to the modern meaning

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L'enigma del Quaderno. La caccia ai manoscritti dopo la morte di Gramsci

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Gramsci and Wittgenstein: an intriguing connection

In the preface to the Philosophische Untersuchungen Wittgenstein writes that he owes to the Italian professor of economics Piero Sraffa "the most important ideas contained in the book". As Sraffa has not writed anything on language, this statement was never given a detailed content. Amartya Sen, who knew the Italian economist during the years spent in Cambridge as a PhD student, in an article (2003) suggests that, during his conversations with Wittgenstein, Sraffa made use of philosophical-linguistic ideas he had learned from Gramsci, while he worked as a student in Turin for the newspaper "Ordine Nuovo" directed by Gramsci himself. Thus, Gramsci, through Sraffa, played a decisive role in t…

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Dire e mostrare ovvero l'inconscio relazionale delle parole

Ciò che viene detto trae il suo significato dal non detto che le parole dette mostrano senza dirlo. Questa complessa relazione semantica viene studiata con l'aiuto di Freud e Wittgenstein.

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This book illustrates how pragmatics transcends the boundaries of linguistics. This volume covers Gricean pragmatics as well as topics including: conversation and collective belief, the norm of assertion, speech acts, what a context is, the distinction between semantics and pragmatics and implicature and explicature, pragmatics and epistemology, the pragmatics of belief, quotation, negation, implicature and argumentation theory, Habermas’ Universal Pragmatics, Dascal’s theory of the dialectical self, theories and theoretical discussions on the nature of pragmatics from a philosophical point of view. Conversational implicatures are generally meaning augmentations on top of explicatures, whil…

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Il professor Gramsci e Wittgenstein. Il linguaggio e il potere

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Che cosa non si può fare senza una lingua storiconaturale

Al fine di individuare le caratterische specifiche che rendono le lingue storico-natuali diverse dai codici si segue una procedura insolita. Vengono elencate le attività cognitive che non sarebbero possibile senza il concorso di una lingua verbale.

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Les deux prisons de Gramsci

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Sulla natura iconica del pensare

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Il caso Sicilia: una nazione senza lingua

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Materialisme et linguistique chez Leopardi

SUMMARYIn several of his letters Giacomo Leopardi (1798-1837), much better known as a poet and a man of letters than as a linguist, says that he is writing a book on the theory and history of language. Its title should have been Paralelo delle cinque lingue. As it happens, he did not write the book, but left a considerable number of notes in his intellectual diary, the Zibaldone, which he kept from 1817 to 1832. The paper investigates the relationship between Leopardi's linguistic theory and his materialistic philosophy. Leopardi, who was acquainted with the theories of Locke, Condillac, and Destutt de Tracy, envisaged the formation of words as an inseparable part of the formation of ideas …

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Le radici linguistiche del liberalismo gramsciano

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Sul gioco linguistico ovvero perché co-parliamo

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Corpo mente linguaggio coscienza. Il punto di vista di Aristotele

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Sentire, immaginare, parlare, sognare

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Senza scorciatoie

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I due carceri di Gramsci. La prigione fascista e il labirinto comunista

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Platone e Aristotele sui nomi: dall'orthotes al symbolon

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Sciascia e Tararà. Appunti su verità, letteratura e politica

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La fonologia saussuriana di Aristotele e il fonema silenzioso

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L'educazione linguistica

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Felicità e linguaggio nella medicina filosofica di Aristotele e Freud

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Possono angeli, animali e macchine sognare?

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La parola è proposizione

Sulla base di alcune riflessioni di Wittgenstein e Aristotele si individua il significato di una parola nella proposizione che ne spiega l’uso. La parola si configura così come proposizione contratta e la relazione tra la proposizione e le parti (le parole) che la compongono viene presentata come un esempio di relazione di self-similarity studiata dalla geometria frattale. All’interno del paradigma frattale viene indagata la natura della metafora.

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Omonimia/Sinonimia/Metafora. Una lettura linguistico-matematica

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The Linguistic Roots of Gramsci's Non-Marxism

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"Quaderno 32". Il mistero c'è.

Si spiegano le ragioni che fanno pensare che uno dei Quaderni di Gramsci sia andato perduto.

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