Antonella Certa
Transport policy and climate change: How to decide when experts disagree
Abstract Transport is the sector with the fastest growth of greenhouse gases emissions in many countries. Accumulation of these emissions may cause uncertain and irreversible adverse climate change impacts. In this context, we use the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to face the question on how to select the best transport policy if the experts have different opinions and beliefs on the occurrence of these impacts. Thus, both the treatment of uncertainty and dissent are examined for the ranking of transport policies. The opinions of experts have been investigated by a means of a survey questionnaire. A sensitivity analysis of the experts’ weights and the criteria’ weights confirms the robus…
A combined multi-criteria approach to support FMECA analyses: A real-world case
[EN] The paper proposes an approach that combines reliability analyses and multi-criteria decision methods to optimize maintenance activities of complex systems. A failure mode, effects, and criticality analysts (FMECA) is initially performed and the fuzzy TOPSIS (FTOPSIS) method is then applied to rank previously identified failure modes. For prioritization, failure modes are assessed against three evaluation criteria that differ from those traditionally involved in risk priority number (RPN) computation (i.e. severity, occurrence and detection). Two criteria refer to the maintenance management reflecting the operational time taken by the maintenance activity performed after the occurrence…
The present paper aims to offer a synthetic project performance indicator (PPI) that aggregates two input parameters obtained by the Earned Value Analysis. The PPI is calculated by using a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) able to single out a measure based on the input parameters, instead of formulating a mathematical model that could be a troublesome task whenever complex relations among the input variables exist. The purpose is to communicate the project performance to the stakeholders in a clear and complete way, for example, describing the PPI by means of contour lines.
A Model for Periodic Preventive Maintenance Policy for a Series Parallel System
A multi-criteria approach for the group assessment of an academic course: A case study
The present paper aims at proposing a structured methodology to evaluate the results of an academic training course addressed to postgraduate students. The evaluation process intends to identify the efficacy of an education course bymeans of acomparison between the general objectives and the results expected by the students. Since the evaluated aspects by the students, detected by means of questionnaires, are both quantitative and qualitative, the proposed methodology is based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). In order to facilitate the evaluation process, answers have been modelled by means of linguistic variables. In particular, different evaluation scales have been used and each on…
A new innovative cooling law for simulated annealing algorithms
The present paper proposes an original and innovative cooling law in the field of Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithms. Particularly, such a law is based on the evolution of different initial seeds on which the algorithm works in parallel. The efficiency control of the new proposal, executed on problems of different kind, shows that the convergence quickness by using such a new cooling law is considerably greater than that obtained by traditional laws. Furthermore, it is shown that the effectiveness of the SA algorithm arising from the proposed cooling law is independent of the problem type. This last feature reduces the number of parameters to be initially fixed, so simplifying the prelimin…
Optimal Selection of Maintenance Actions on a Multi-Component System
The research aims to single out the maintenance actions to perform on a series arranged components system each one constituted by elements in parallel and maintained only during some planned stops. The considered system has to periodically carry out missions during which the system failure is a critical event for their own success. That being so, the faced problem is here to assure the maximum reliability level up to the next planned stop. For this reason an exact algorithm is proposed in order to individuate the set of components on which performing maintenance actions and for each of them determining the number of elements that must be maintained so as the maximum reliability level is ach…
A Feasible Framework for Maintenance Digitalization
The entire industry is changing as a result of new developments in digital technology, and maintenance management is a crucial procedure that may take advantage of the opportunities brought about by industrial digitalization. To support digital innovation in maintenance management, this study intends to meet the cutting-edge necessity of addressing a transformation strategy in industrial contexts. Setting up a customized pathway with adequate methodologies, digitalization tools, and collaboration between the several stakeholders involved in the maintenance environment is the first step in this process. The results of a previous conference contribution, which revealed important digitalizatio…
Constrained consistency enforcement in AHP
Abstract Decision-making in the presence of intangible elements must be based on a robust, but subtle, balance between expert know-how and judgment consistency when eliciting that know-how. This balance is frequently achieved as a trade-off reached after a feedback process softens the tension frequently found between one force steadily pulling towards (full) consistency, and another force driven by expert feeling and opinion. The linearization method, developed by the authors in the framework of the analytic hierarchy process, is a pull-towards-consistency mechanism that shows the path from an inconsistent body of judgment elicited from an expert towards consistency, by suggesting optimal c…
Optimal Maintenance For a System with Required Reliability
The effectiveness of a maintenance policy for a production system is generally measured by its availability. Nevertheless, for some production systems, the failure is a dangerous event for people or in any case too much expensive; therefore the failure probability must be maintained less than an accepted low value by a proper preventive maintenance policy. The system considered hereafter is schematized by a series of components some of them constituted by parallel-series sub-systems. The problem is to individuate the set of elements on which to operate the maintenance actions, providing the system functioning with the required reliability until the next planned maintenance instant by the mi…
An Analytic Hierarchy Process for The Evaluation of Transport Policies to Reduce Climate Change Impacts
A decision support system to assure high-performance maintenance service
PurposeThis study aims to propose a decision support system (DSS) for maintenance management of a service system, namely, a street cleaning service vehicle. Referring to the information flow management, the blockchain technology is integrated in the proposed DSS to assure data transparency and security.Design/methodology/approachThe DSS is designed to efficiently handle the data acquired by the network of sensors installed on selected system components and to support the maintenance management. The DSS supports the decision makers to select a subset of indicators (KPIs) by means of the DEcision-MAaking Trial and Evaluation Laboratory method and to monitor the efficiency of performed prevent…
Consistent Clustering of Elements in Large Pairwise Comparison Matrices
[EN] In multi-attribute decision making the number of decision elements under consideration may be huge, especially for complex, real-world problems. Typically these elements are clustered and then the clusters organized hierarchically to reduce the number of elements to be simultaneously handled. These decomposition methodologies are intended to bring the problem within the cognitive ability of decision makers. However, such methodologies have disadvantages, and it may happen that such a priori clustering is not clear, and/or the problem has previously been addressed without any grouping action. This is the situation for the case study we address, in which a panel of experts gives opinions…
Assessing organizational risk in industry by evaluating interdependencies among human factors through the DEMATEL methodology
This contribution proposes a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM)-based approach to support organizational risk assessment in industrial environments
Multi-objective human resources allocation in R&D projects planning
In a R&D department, several projects may have to be implemented simultaneously within a certain period of time by a limited number of human resources with diverse skills. This paper proposes an optimisation model for the allocation of multi-skilled human resources to R&D projects, considering individual workers as entities having different knowledge, experience and ability. The model focuses on three fundamental aspects of human resources: the different skill levels, the learning process and the social relationships existing in working teams. The resolution approach for the multi-objective problem consists of two steps: firstly, a set of non-dominated solutions is obtained by exploring the…
Criteri di valutazione nelle attività decisionali di una azienda di trasporto tranviario
A Project Manager Suitability Parameter in Project Accomplishment
One the most critical aspect in project management is how to assign the project managers (PMs) to projects, especially whenever the PMs can lead more than one project. The present paper proposes a parameter (PME) to evaluate the PM in accomplishing a specific project useful for a next phase of assignment. The PME takes into account the technical skills, the leadership behavior and the relationships with project’s stakeholders. These parameters are aggregated by a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) that well emulates the decision process of the experts by means of a rule-based inference engine. Moreover, to better define the PME, a procedure, based on the discordance concept, is proposed to compar…
A Multi-Objective Approach to Optimize a Periodic Maintenance Policy
The present paper proposes a multi-objective approach to find out an optimal periodic maintenance policy for a repairable and stochastically deteriorating multi-component system over a finite time horizon. The tackled problem concerns the determination of the system elements to replace at each scheduled and periodical system inspection by ensuring the simultaneous minimization of both the expected total maintenance cost and the expected global system unavailability time. It is assumed that in the case of system elements failure they are instantaneously detected and repaired by means of minimal repair actions in order to rapidly restore the system. A nonlinear integer mathematical programmi…
Managing Human Factors to Reduce Organisational Risk in Industry
[EN] Human factors are intrinsically involved at virtually any level of most industrial/business activities, and may be responsible for several accidents and incidents, if not correctly identified and managed. Focusing on the significance of human behaviour in industry, this article proposes a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM)-based approach to support organizational risk assessment in industrial environments. The decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method is proposed as a mathematical framework to evaluate mutual relationships within a set of human factors involved in industrial processes, with the aim of highlighting priorities of intervention. A case study relat…
Characterization of the consistent completion of analytic hierarchy process comparison matrices using graph theory
ELECTRE III to dynamically support the decision maker about the periodic replacements configurations for a multi-component system
The problem tackled by the present paper concerns the selection of the elements of a repairable and stochastically deteriorating multi-component system to replace (replacements configuration) during each scheduled and periodical system stop within a finite optimization cycle, by ensuring the simultaneous minimization of both the expected total maintenance cost and the system unavailability. To solve the considered problem, a combined approach between multi-objective optimization problem (MOOP) and multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) resolution techniques is proposed. In particular, the @e constraint method is used to single out the optimal Pareto frontier whereas the ELECTRE III multi-cri…
Assessing supply chain risks in the automotive industry through a modified MCDM-based FMECA
Supply chains are complex networks that receive assiduous attention in the literature. Like any complex network, a supply chain is subject to a wide variety of risks that can result in significant economic losses and negative impacts in terms of image and prestige for companies. In circumstances of aggressive competition among companies, effective management of supply chain risks (SCRs) is crucial, and is currently a very active field of research. Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) has been recently extended to SCR identification and prioritization, aiming at reducing potential losses caused by lack of risk control. This article has a twofold objective. First, SCR assess…
A Dempster-Shafer Theory-based approach to the Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) under epistemic uncertainty: application to the propulsion system of a fishing vessel
Abstract Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a safety and reliability analysis tool widely used for the identification of system/process potential failures, their causes and consequences. When aimed at the failure modes prioritization, FMEA is named Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA). In the latter case, failure modes are commonly prioritized by means of the Risk Priority Number (RPN) that has been widely criticized to have several shortcomings. Firstly, in the presence of multiple experts supplying different and uncertain judgments on risk parameters, RPN is not able to deal with such a kind of information. Therefore, the present paper proposes the Dempster-Shaf…
Machine Learning approach towards real time assessment of hand-arm vibration risk
Abstract In industry 4,0, the establishment of an interconnected environment where human operators cooperate with the machines offers the opportunity for substantially improving the ergonomics and safety conditions of the workplace. This topic is discussed in the paper referring to the vibration risk, which is a well-known cause of work-related pathologies. A wearable device has been developed to collect vibration data and to segment the signals obtained in time windows. A machine learning classifier is then proposed to recognize the worker’s activity and to evaluate the exposure to vibration risks. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the methodology pr…
A risk evaluation framework for the best maintenance strategy: the case of a marine salt manufacture firm
Highlights • This paper proposes a MCDM framework to support risk evaluation for maintenance activities. • The ANP is proposed to select the best maintenance strategy on the basis of real systems’ features. • The ELECTRE III is used to prioritise the main risks related to the interventions of the selected maintenance policy. • The proposed framework is applied to a core subsystem of a real-world marine salt manufacture firm.
Tecniche di ottimizzazione multi-obiettivo e metodologie di supporto alle decisioni per la progettazione di processi di stampaggio di lamiere
A Fuzzy Inference Expert System to Support the Decision of Deploying a Military Naval Unit to a Mission
Naval military units are complex systems required to operate in fixed time frames in offshore tasks where maintenance operations are drastically limited. A failure during a mission is a critical event that can drastically influence the mission success. The decision of switching a unit to a mission hence requires complex judgments involving information about the health status of machineries and the environmental conditions. The present procedure aims to support the decision about switching a unit to a mission considering the vagueness and uncertainty of information by means of fuzzy theory and emulates the decision process of a human expert by means of a rule-based inference engine. A numeri…
Multi-Objective and Multi-Criteria Analysis for Optimal Pump Scheduling in Water Systems
This contribution focuses on the problem of optimal pump scheduling, a fundamental element in pursuing operation optimization of water distribution systems. A combined approach of multi-objective optimization and multi-criteria analysis is herein suggested to first find the Pareto front of non-dominated solutions and then to rank them based on a set of weighted criteria. The Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) is proposed to solve the multi-objective problem, while the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is used to achieve the final ranking.
An equation to calculate the availability for the k-out-of-n system
Reliability and availability (R&A) analyses are primary phases in management of complex systems and play a fundamental role in products and services quality. Management of maintenance activities has to be based on optimisation to simultaneously improve the operative conditions of the system. Maintenance optimization can be effeectively pursued by the RCM (Reliability-centered maintenance) approach. The authors demonstrate the global improvement of R&A by applying the RCM to the results derived by the FMECA (Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis). Many efforts have been made to improve traditional methodologies of analysis, mainly tending to reduce the imprecision on data related to…
An Analytic Hierarchy Process for The Evaluation of Transport Policies to Reduce Climate Change Impacts
Transport is the sector with the fastest growth of greenhouse gases emissions, both in developed and in developing countries, leading to adverse climate change impacts. As the experts disagree on the occurrence of these impacts, by applying the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), we have faced the question on how to form transport policies when the experts have different opinions and beliefs. The opinions of experts have been investigated by a means of a survey questionnaire. The results show that tax schemes aiming at promoting environmental-friendly transport mode are the best policy. This incentives public and environmental-friendly transport modes, such as car sharing and car pooling.
Food safety risk analysis from the producers' perspective: prioritisation of production process stages by HACCP and TOPSIS
[EN] From the manufacturers perspective, the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system nowadays represents the mainly way to implement the food safety risk management in food industries. Nevertheless, the identification and prioritization of hazards as the outcome of the first principle of HACCP is not sufficient to identify production process stages that more significantly and critically contribute to the consumer¿s risks. With this recognition, the present paper proposes a Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) approach based on HACCP and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) to individuate production process phases on which implementing co…
Pareto frontier in economic-statistical design of a dynamic c chart
The present paper proposes an economic-statistical multi-objective design procedure for a dynamic c control chart. In detail, a mixed integer non-linear constrained mathematical model is formulated to solve the treated problem, whereas the Pareto frontier is described by the ε-constraint method. To show the employment of the proposed procedure a numerical case is solved and the related considerations are given.
An integrated methodological approach for optimising complex systems subjected to predictive maintenance
Abstract The present paper addresses the relevant topic of maintenance management, widely recognised as a fundamental issue involving complex engineering systems and leading companies towards the optimisation of their assets while pursuing cost efficiency. With this regard, our research aims to provide companies with a hybrid methodological approach based on Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) capable to deal with the main failures potentially involving complex systems subjected to predictive maintenance. Such an approach is going to be integrated within the framework of traditional Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), whose strengths and weaknesses are considered. In pa…
Robust Maintenance Scheduling for Reliability Maximization
The present paper aims to single out the maintenance actions to perform on a system constrained to be maintained only during some planned stops. Since system failure implies costs and risks for people and/or the environment, then it is necessary to minimize the probability of its occurrence. Thus, maintenance actions need to maximize the system reliability up to the next planned stop, in respect to some constraint. The originality of the problem discussed in the present paper lies in considering reliability values affected with uncertainty within a range of vagueness. Consequently, a further problem is added to the constrained reliability maximization, that is the search for a robust soluti…
Water quality sensor placement: a multi-objective and multi-criteria approach
[EN] To satisfy their main goal, namely providing quality water to consumers, water distribution networks (WDNs) need to be suitably monitored. Only well designed and reliable monitoring data enables WDN managers to make sound decisions on their systems. In this belief, water utilities worldwide have invested in monitoring and data acquisition systems. However, good monitoring needs optimal sensor placement and presents a multi-objective problem where cost and quality are conflicting objectives (among others). In this paper, we address the solution to this multi-objective problem by integrating quality simulations using EPANET-MSX, with two optimization techniques. First, multi-objective op…
Multi-criteria analysis applied to multi-objective optimal pump scheduling in water systems
Abstract This work presents a multi-criteria-based approach to automatically select specific non-dominated solutions from a Pareto front previously obtained using multi-objective optimization to find optimal solutions for pump control in a water supply system. Optimal operation of pumps in these utilities is paramount to enable water companies to achieve energy efficiency in their systems. The Fuzzy Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (FTOPSIS) is used to rank the Pareto solutions found by the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) employed to solve the multi-objective problem. Various scenarios are evaluated under leakage uncertainty conditions, res…
Multi‐criteria decision‐making approach for modular enterprise resource planning sorting problems
[EN] Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems is currently recognized as a best practice with wide associated possibilities of business improvement for companies. Integrating these kinds of systems with business processes in the most efficient way requires to endeavour as much as possible simplifications for final users, which can be pursued by optimizing crucial software characteristics. The present article proposes a novel Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) approach to deal with such an issue. Specifically, the ELECTRE (ELimination Et Choix Traduisant la REalite) TRI technique is suggested to assign ERP modules into predefined and ordered categories according to maintain…
Project manager assignment by fuzzy inference and mathematical programming
A Fuzzy inference model for the layout design
Feedback-Based Algorithm for Negotiating Human Preferences and Making Risk Assessment Decisions
Work equipment risk assessment is essential for guaranteeing health and safety of workers in industrial contexts.Many and varied hazards are involved in the use of equipment,which have to be periodically subject to thorough controls required by law. This research proposes a novel hybrid decision-making framework aimed at integrating flexible negotiation on human preferences. This goal will be achieved by establishing effective feedback exchanges with expert(s) familiarwith the field of risk and maintenance of work equipment. We extend a previous research that proposed a user-friendly negotiation procedure to increase consistency of judgments provided by experts about relevant risk factors. …
Optimal design of k-out-of-n systems
The present paper is aimed at finding the best compromise to design a system k-out-of-n reliability configuration by means of the formulation of a multi-objective mathematical model. The Pareto front, which is the set of non-dominated solutions, is determined by considering the stationary availability and the achievable profit as objectives to be simultaneously optimized. The Pareto front represents a useful tool for the analyst to make the choice related to the analyzed design problem. In addition, the knowledge of the Pareto front permits to consider different design scenarios.
A hybrid multi-criteria approach to GPR image mining applied to water supply system maintenance
[EN] Data processing techniques for Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) image mining provide essential information to optimize maintenance management of Water Supply Systems (WSSs). These techniques aim to elaborate on radargrams in order to produce meaningful graphical representations of critical buried components of WSSs. These representations are helpful non-destructive evaluation tools to prevent possible failures in WSSs by keeping them adequately monitored. This paper proposes an integrated multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) approach to prioritize various data processing techniques by means of ranking their outputs, namely their resulting GPR image representations. The Fuzzy Analytic Hi…
ELECTRE TRI-based approach to the failure modes classification on the basis of risk parameters: An alternative to the risk priority number
Proposing an ELECTRE TRI-based approach for the failure modes classification into predefined and ordered risk classes.Direct identification of failure modes on which performing the corrective actions with priority.Easy definition of risk classes on the basis of DMs expertise and perception of the industrial context considered.Application to dairy manufacturing processes. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is an engineering technique aimed at the detection of potential failures, their causes and consequences on the system/process under investigation. When used for the failure modes prioritization, FMEA is also referred to as Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA). In tr…
The ELECTRE I method to support the FMECA
In traditional Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), risk priorities of failure modes are determined through the Risk Priority Number (RPN), which is a function of the three risk parameters Occurrence (O), Severity (S), and Detection (D). In the present paper, an alternative approach to RPN is proposed for the criticality assessment of system failure modes. Particularly, the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method ELECTRE I is proposed to select the most critical failure mode in the set of the failure modes charactering a complex system. The method has been applied to a case study previously proposed by Zammori and Gabrielli (2012).
Updating the OSPF routing protocol for communication networks by optimal decision-making over the k-shortest path algorithm
Internet routing protocols such as Routing Information Protocol (RIP) pre-compute all the shortest paths by Dijkstra's algorithm (shortest path first, SPF) based on the number of hops between one node and another. Every time any communication is intended, RIP looks-up for the optimal choice in a routing table. This is a high speed method in the decision-making process but not necessary fast for data traffic as it does not take into account any real-time measure of route congestion. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) presents a dynamic version of this problem by computing the shortest paths taking into account network features such as bandwidth, delay and load. OSPF thereby maintains link-state…
Optimization of urban delivery systems based on electric assisted cargo bikes with modular battery size, taking into account the service requirements and the specific operational context
The implementation of new forms of urban mobility is a fundamental challenge for improving the performance of city logistic systems in terms of efficiency and sustainability. For such purposes, the exploitation of electric vehicles is currently being investigated as an alternative to traditional internal combustion engines. In particular, the employment of lightweight electric cargo bikes is seen as an attractive possibility for designing improved city distribution systems. Such vehicles, however, present substantial limitations related to their endurance, speed, power, and recharging times; therefore, their configuration must be optimized considering the actual operational context and the …
Measures of performance for the portfolio management
A Multistep Methodology for the Evaluation of Human Resources Using the Evidence Theory
The paper aims at proposing a model for the human resources evaluation as regards to a set of skills. Specifically, it starts sfrom the judgments expressed by a team of experts on the basis of their previous working experiences with the resource to be evaluated. Information arising from experts is successively handled by the analyst and aggregated to determine the resource suitability or unsuitability. The Dempster–Shafer theory is proposed here as an appropriate tool to deal with both the uncertainty of experts due to the incomplete knowledge about resources to be evaluated and that of the analyst to convert expert judgments in terms of resource suitability/unsuitability. Furthermore, the …
Management of uncertain pairwise comparisons in AHP through probabilistic concepts
Abstract Fast and judicious decision-making is paramount for the success of many activities and processes. However, various degrees of difficulty may affect the achievement of effective and optimal solutions. Decisions should ideally meet the best trade-off among as many of the involved factors as possible, especially in the case of complex problems. Substantial cognitive and technical skills are indispensable, while not always sufficient, to carry out optimal evaluations. One of the most common causes of wrong decisions derives from uncertainty and vagueness in making forecasts or attributing judgments. The literature shows numerous efforts towards the optimization and modeling of uncertai…
Uno strumento per la valutazione multicriterio dei progetti in ambito F.S.E.
Multi-skilled human resources allocation in R&D projects
Machine Learning approach towards real time assessment of hand-arm vibration risk
In industry 4,0, the establishment of an interconnected environment where human operators cooperate with the machines offers the opportunity for substantially improving the ergonomics and safety conditions of the workplace. This topic is discussed in the paper referring to the vibration risk, which is a well-known cause of work-related pathologies. A wearable device has been developed to collect vibration data and to segment the signals obtained in time windows. A machine learning classifier is then proposed to recognize the worker’s activity and to evaluate the exposure to vibration risks. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the methodology proposed.
A multifunctional plant for a sustainable reuse of marble waste toward circular economy
The marble processing cycle involves the production of large quantities of wastes whose disposal represents an economic and environmental concern for marble companies due to the difficulty of identifying suitable landfills and the high transfer costs. In this context, the design of a sustainable industrial plant that allows the reuse of the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) contained in the marble waste is extremely challenging. With this recognition, the main industrial applications of CaCO3 are firstly analyzed in the present work to identify the physical–chemical properties required to CaCO3 in these contexts. Later, different plant solutions are suggested to recover CaCO3 from marble sludge in…
A Multistep Methodology for the Evaluation of Human Resources Using the Evidence Theory
Determination of Pareto frontier in multi-objective maintenance optimization
Abstract The objective of a maintenance policy generally is the global maintenance cost minimization that involves not only the direct costs for both the maintenance actions and the spare parts, but also those ones due to the system stop for preventive maintenance and the downtime for failure. For some operating systems, the failure event can be dangerous so that they are asked to operate assuring a very high reliability level between two consecutive fixed stops. The present paper attempts to individuate the set of elements on which performing maintenance actions so that the system can assure the required reliability level until the next fixed stop for maintenance, minimizing both the globa…