L Scuderi

Preliminary checklist of the Italian gypsophilous flora

The richness and uniqueness of the flora growing on gypsum substrates in Italy is known since the XIX century (Macchiati, 1888). Furthermore, the concept of plant gypsophily can be defined as the exclusiveness (or virtually exclusiveness) for living in gypsum outcropping rocks. Thus only those plant species, which show preference – or even exclusivity - for gypsum substrates, would be classified as gipsophilous (Mota et al., 2011). The main aim of this research has been the elaboration of a checklist of the Italian gypsophilous flora. The study was made possible through international collaboration between the "Mediterranea" University of Reggio Calabria (Italy) and the University of Almería…

research product

Il genere Calicotome (Fabaceae) in Sicilia

Vengono riportati i dati sulla distribuzione del genere Calicotome in Sicilia e sulle caratteristiche morfologiche distintive. Sulla base dei caratteri diacritici morfologici e micromorfologici (SEM)sono proposte le chiavi dicotomiche per il riconoscimento delle specie.

research product

Last tesserae of a fading mosaic: floristic census and forest vegetation survey at Parche di Bilello (south-western Sicily, Italy), a site needing urgent protection measures

This paper illustrates the botanic heritage of Parche di Bilello, a site located in the municipality of Castelvetrano. The study area hosts several woodland fragments dominated by Olea europaea var. sylvestris, Quercus suber and Quercus ilex, respectively. According to historical data, these nuclei represent the last remnants of an open forestland which covered a much wider coastal area between Mazara del Vallo and Sciacca until the end of Middle Age. Phytosociological relevés were focused on these forest nuclei, probably the most representative of south-western Sicily, which correspond to three habitats included in the 92/43 EEC Directive (9320, 9330 and 9340, respectively) and represent t…

research product

Distribution of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae) in Sicily

An updated geographical distribution of the genus Gagea in Sicily with a grid map for each taxon is given. This study is based on literature, herbarium and field investigations. The examined species are G. bohemica (Zauschn.) Schult. & Schult. f., G. chrysantha Schult. & Schult. f. sensu stricto, G. dubia A. Terracc., G. foliosa (C. Presl) Schult. & Schult. f., G. fragifera (Vill.) E. Bayer & G. L.pez Gonz.lez, G. granatelli (Parl.) Parl., G. lacaitae A. Terracc., G. lojaconoi Peruzzi, G. sicula Lojac., G. trinervia (Viv.) Greuter. The occurrence in Sicily of the phytogeographically interesting G. mauritanica Durieu is here confirmed in three localities. Besides, the actual presence in Sici…

research product

The Lygeo-Stipetea class in Sicily

research product