Sabrina Nouiri-mangold
L'accompagnement au projet professionnel des demandeurs d'emploi éloignés de l'emploi au prisme du territoire
L’exercice de la médecine générale à l’épreuve du changement de modèle professionnel
International audience
Enquêter, écrire et publier en collectif
Investigating, writing and publishing collectively. From a reflexive perspective, members of “Collectif Onze” question the conditions required for the successful achievement of the research they conducted in several French courts of law, which was subsequently published under the title of "Au tribunal des couples. Enquête sur des affaires familiales" (Odile Jacob, 2013). The purpose of this paper is to analyze three decisive stages of this project : the fieldwork, the writing and the publishing. The article begins by describing the context of the emergence of this collective research project, as a part of an educational setting, in a research workshop that began in 2008. The “Collectif Onze…