María José Sánchez

Transcriptional regulation of the stem cell leukemia gene by PU.1 and Elf-1.

Abstract The SCL gene, also known astal-1, encodes a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor that is pivotal for the normal development of all hematopoietic lineages. SCL is expressed in committed erythroid, mast, and megakaryocytic cells as well as in hematopoietic stem cells. Nothing is known about the regulation of SCL transcription in mast cells, and in other lineages GATA-1 is the only tissue-specific transcription factor recognized to regulate the SCL gene. We have therefore analyzed the molecular mechanisms underlyingSCL expression in mast cells. In this paper, we demonstrate that SCL promoter 1a was regulated by GATA-1 together with Sp1 and Sp3 in a manner similar to the situati…

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Saturated fat intake and alcohol consumption modulate the association between the APOE polymorphism and risk of future coronary heart disease: a nested case-control study in the Spanish EPIC cohort

The association is still not clear between the common APOE polymorphism and coronary heart disease (CHD) risk, nor its modulation by diet. Thus, our aim was to study the association between the APOE genotypes and incident CHD and how dietary fat and alcohol consumption modify these effects. We performed a nested case-control study in the Spanish European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort. Healthy men and women (41,440, 30-69 years) were followed up over a 10-year period, with the incident CHD cases being identified. We analyzed 534 incident CHD cases and 1123 controls. APOE, dietary intake and plasma lipids were determined at baseline. The APOE polymorphism was sign…

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Bladder cancer index : Cross-cultural adaptation into Spanish and psychometric evaluation

Background: The Bladder Cancer Index (BCI) is so far the only instrument applicable across all bladder cancer patients, independent of tumor infiltration or treatment applied. We developed a Spanish version of the BCI, and assessed its acceptability and metric properties. Methods: For the adaptation into Spanish we used the forward and back-translation method, expert panels, and cognitive debriefing patient interviews. For the assessment of metric properties we used data from 197 bladder cancer patients from a multi-center prospective study. The Spanish BCI and the SF-36 Health Survey were self-administered before and 12 months after treatment. Reliability was estimated by Cronbach's alpha.…

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In vivo fate mapping with SCL regulatory elements identifies progenitors for primitive and definitive hematopoiesis in mice.

10 páginas, 6 figuras.-- et al.

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Colorectal cancer survival in the USA and Europe: a CONCORD high-resolution study

Journal Article; OBJECTIVES: To assess the extent to which stage at diagnosis and adherence to treatment guidelines may explain the persistent differences in colorectal cancer survival between the USA and Europe. DESIGN: A high-resolution study using detailed clinical data on Dukes' stage, diagnostic procedures, treatment and follow-up, collected directly from medical records by trained abstractors under a single protocol, with standardised quality control and central statistical analysis. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: 21 population-based registries in seven US states and nine European countries provided data for random samples comprising 12 523 adults (15-99 years) diagnosed with colorectal ca…

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Tesorillo de 1/8 de Quirates Almorávides

Catalogación de tesorillo almorávide.

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Association of plasma markers of cholesterol homeostasis with metabolic syndrome components. A cross-sectional study.

Abstract Background and aims Increased plasma phytosterols, which reflect enhanced cholesterol absorption, have been related to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, high CVD risk conditions, such as obesity, diabetes and the metabolic syndrome (MetS) have been associated with reduced cholesterol absorption. We investigated associations between plasma noncholesterol sterols and MetS components. Methods and results With a cross-sectional design, we related MetS components to plasma noncholesterol sterol-to-cholesterol ratios measured by gas chromatography in 674 dyslipidemic patients and 361 healthy subjects participating in a prospective cohort study. Plasma phytostero…

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Clinical interval and diagnostic characteristics in a cohort of bladder cancer patients in Spain : a multicenter observational study

Objective We performed a cohort study in seven hospitals in Spain to determine the clinical characteristics of incident patients with bladder cancer, the diagnostic process, and the conditions that might affect health care interval times. Results 314 patients with bladder cancer were included, 70.3 (Standard Deviation [SD] 11.2) years old and 85.0% male. Clinical stage was T1 in 45.9% of patients. The median interval time between first consultation and diagnosis was of 104.0 days (Inter quartile range [IQR]:112.0; range from 0 to 986), being shorter for those patients who attended a hospital for their first consultation. The median interval time between diagnosis and first treatment was of …

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Quality of life in patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: one-year results of a multicentre prospective cohort study.

Few studies describe the effect of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) on health-related quality of life (HRQL), although patients are mostly diagnosed at this stage of the disease. Taking into account this current evidence gap and the high incidence rates in Spain, we aimed to describe the evolution over time of HRQL in Spanish patients with NMIBC and to examine the clinical and treatment-related factors associated with HRQL change during the first year of management.Observational multicenter prospective inception cohort study conducted in urology departments of 7 Spanish hospitals. A consecutive sample of 244 patients with anatomopathologically confirmed NMIBC, recruited from Octob…

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Clinical intervals and diagnostic characteristics in a cohort of prostate cancer patients in Spain: a multicentre observational study

BACKGROUND: Little is known about the healthcare process for patients with prostate cancer, mainly because hospital-based data are not routinely published. The main objective of this study was to determine the clinical characteristics of prostate cancer patients, the, diagnostic process and the factors that might influence intervals from consultation to diagnosis and from diagnosis to treatment. METHODS: We conducted a multicentre, cohort study in seven hospitals in Spain. Patients' characteristics and diagnostic and therapeutic variables were obtained from hospital records and patients' structured interviews from October 2010 to September 2011. We used a multilevel logistic regression mode…

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Mesothelioma and thymic tumors: Treatment challenges in (outside) a network setting.

The management of patients with mesothelioma and thymic malignancy requires continuous multidisciplinary expertise at any step of the disease. A dramatic improvement in our knowledge has occurred in the last few years, through the development of databases, translational research programs, and clinical trials. Access to innovative strategies represents a major challenge, as there is a lack of funding for clinical research in rare cancers and their rarity precludes the design of robust clinical trials that could lead to specific approval of drugs. In this context, patient-centered initiatives, such as the establishment of dedicated networks, are warranted. International societies, such as IMI…

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Nanosession: Valence Change Memories - A Look Inside

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Is hospital discharge administrative data an appropriate source of information for cancer registries purposes? Some insights from four Spanish registries

Abstract Background The use of hospital discharge administrative data (HDAD) has been recommended for automating, improving, even substituting, population-based cancer registries. The frequency of false positive and false negative cases recommends local validation. Methods The aim of this study was to detect newly diagnosed, false positive and false negative cases of cancer from hospital discharge claims, using four Spanish population-based cancer registries as the gold standard. Prostate cancer was used as a case study. Results A total of 2286 incident cases of prostate cancer registered in 2000 were used for validation. In the most sensitive algorithm (that using five diagnostic codes), e…

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Burden and centralised treatment in Europe of rare tumours: results of RARECAREnet—a population-based study

Background: Rare cancers pose challenges for diagnosis, treatments, and clinical decision making. Information about rare cancers is scant. The RARECARE project defined rare cancers as those with an annual incidence of less than six per 100 000 people in European Union (EU). We updated the estimates of the burden of rare cancers in Europe, their time trends in incidence and survival, and provide information about centralisation of treatments in seven European countries. Methods: We analysed data from 94 cancer registries for more than 2 million rare cancer diagnoses, to estimate European incidence and survival in 2000–07 and the corresponding time trends during 1995–2007. Incidence was calcu…

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Distinct 5' SCL enhancers direct transcription to developing brain, spinal cord, and endothelium: neural expression is mediated by GATA factor binding sites.

The SCL gene encodes a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor with a pivotal role in the development of endothelium and of all hematopoietic lineages. SCL is also expressed in the central nervous system, although its expression pattern has not been examined in detail and its function in neural development is unknown. In this article we present the first analysis of SCL transcriptional regulation in vivo. We have identified three spatially distinct regulatory modules, each of which was both necessary and sufficient to direct reporter gene expression in vivo to three different regions within the normal SCL expression domain, namely, developing endothelium, midbrain, and hindbrain/spinal …

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Descubrimientos de una factoría bajoimperial de salazón de pescados en Santa Pola (Alicante)

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Characterization of a Fetal Liver Cell Population Endowed with Long-Term Multiorgan Endothelial Reconstitution Potential.

et al.

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Common cholesteryl ester transfer protein gene variation related to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol is not associated with decreased coronary heart disease risk after a 10-year follow-up in a Mediterranean cohort: Modulation by alcohol consumption.

Despite the consistent association between cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) gene variation and plasma HDL-C, huge controversy still rages on its association with coronary heart disease (CHD). We investigated the association between the CETP-TaqIB polymorphism, HDL-C and incident CHD in a Mediterranean population.A nested case-control study among participants of the Spanish EPIC cohort was performed. 41,440 healthy individuals (30-69 years) were followed up over a 10-year period, incident CHD cases being identified. We analyzed 557 confirmed CHD cases and 1180 healthy controls.Despite B2B2 subjects having the highest HDL-C concentrations and B1B1, the lowest (P0.001), no protective …

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Use of Venetoclax in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia: The Pethema Registry Experience

Introduction The prognosis of patients with recurrent or refractory acute myeloid leukemia (AML-RR) is very poor, especially if they are not candidates for allogeneic transplantation (allo-SCT) after a second complete response (CR). Venetoclax, a potent and selective inhibitor of the antiapoptotic protein BCL-2, was approved by the FDA in combination with hypomethylating agents (HMAs) or low-dose cytarabine (LDAC) in patients with newly diagnosed AML of age ≥ 75 years, or who have comorbidities that preclude the use of intensive chemotherapy. However, the evidence in AML-RR patients is still scarce. For this reason, the objective of our study is to retrospectively analyze the efficacy of th…

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Risk prediction for estrogen receptor-specific breast cancers in two large prospective cohorts

Source at https://doi.org/10.1186/s13058-018-1073-0. Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Background: Few published breast cancer (BC) risk prediction models consider the heterogeneity of predictor variables between estrogen-receptor positive (ER+) and negative (ER-) tumors. Using data from two large cohorts, we examined whether modeling this heterogeneity could improve prediction. Methods: We built two models, for ER+ (ModelER+) and ER- tumors (ModelER-) , respectively, in 281,330 women (51% postmenopausal at recruitment) from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort. Discrimination (C-statistic) and calibration (the agreement between predicted and observed tumor risks)…

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