Marc Leroy
Airborne measurement of hot spot reflectance signatures
The so-called hot spot is a fine directional signature of the surface reflectance observed for phase angles close to zero. In this paper, we analyze and discuss several such signatures acquired from the airborne POLDER and HyMap instruments during the DAISEX'99 campaign over agricultural crops. The observed signatures are very similar to those acquired from space at a resolution of several tens of kilometers [J. Geophys. Res. 107 (2002)], which provides further evidence that the hot spot is a scale-free feature. The hot spots can be fitted by a two-parameter function (amplitude and width) of the phase angle derived from canopy radiative transfer modeling. The model predicts that the amplitu…
Sur la piste des matériaux organiques grâce à la spectrométrie de masse
Identifying the organic materials present, establishing their origin and degree of preservation, understanding their manufacturing process and their use, all of which require interdisciplinary studies involving closely specialists in materials and human sciences. In this very specific context, mass spectrometry has become a key tool to improve knowledge of past civilizations but also to better preserve and restore the discrete remains of archaeomaterials. The identification of diagnostic molecular markers of natural substances is now a recognized strategy for characterizing amorphous organic materials (fats, beeswaxes, vegetable substances such as resins and tars). New advances have also ma…
Champigneulles, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Bonnefontaine. Un établissement sidérurgique médiéval : une forge de l’abbaye Saint-Arnould de Metz ?
La construction d’un second réservoir au lieu-dit Bonnefontaine à Champigneulles a donné lieu à une opération de fouille archéologique menée par l’Inrap du 02 septembre au 15 octobre 2013, en collaboration avec deux chercheurs du CNRS (IRAMAT UMR 5060). Cette opération de 1500 m2 a permis la mise au jour d’une partie d’un établissement métallurgique des XIIIe-XIVe siècles, ainsi que de vestiges d’habitat datés pour la première phase du XIIIe siècle et pour la dernière phase d’occupation des XVIe-XVIIe siècles.Tout d’abord, des bâtiments sur poteaux ont été mis au jour directement sur les formations würmiennes en place. Leurs plans, quoique sans doute incomplets, l’absence de mobilier et les…
Producing and working with iron
Combining archaeological studies and archaeometric analyses, this synthesis presents the importance of the iron economy in the eastern part of the Paris Basin from the First Iron Age to the early Middle Ages. The first contributions of this research project concern technological changes in the production system of iron objects. The attention paid to the share of recycling in production somewhat modifies the previous discourse in attempts to quantify the types of forged objects (tools, weapons, ornaments, etc). Additionally, the link between the status of the excavated sites (agricultural holding, rural hamlet, fortified site, large settlements) and the type of forging activity that was carr…