G. Ventura

Oral and Poster Papers Submitted for Presentation at the 5th Congress of the EUGMS “Geriatric Medicine in a Time of Generational Shift September 3–6, 2008 Copenhagen, Denmark

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Being a serious threat to physical and emotional health of children and adolescents all over the world, bullying in school represents an important public health issue. Since 2007, in Italy, the Ministry of Education (MIUR) has promoted activities to face and prevent bullying in schools of all levels while at the same time national and local Health Authorities have implemented effective social-health strategies. To date, the lack of consistent data needed to properly describe the concerning increase of this Public Health phenomenon prevents both the ability to systematically survey and measure the effectiveness of the public health strategies against bullying. The Bullying In Sicilian School…

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Prognostic role in common clinical practice of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in unselected bladder cancer

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How should vaccination services be planned, organized, and managed? Results from a survey on the Italian vaccination services

Background. Quality improvement is an increasingly recognized approach to maximize service effectiveness and minimize costs in public health. However, the Italian law never provided for the institutional accreditation of vaccination services. Furthermore, a recently approved law added six more compulsory vaccinations to the original four, which has led to a considerable increase in vaccination efforts, without any previous resources evaluation. The aim of the study was to investigate structural, organizational and managerial characteristics of the Italian vaccination services, in order to suggest the adoption of adequate quality standards. Study design. A survey involving the representative…

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Campagna social #proteggitixproteggermi: andamento delle coperture vaccinali antinfluenzali degli operatori sanitari dell’AOU Policlinico “P. Giaccone” di Palermo in seguito all’implementazione di strategie comunicative ed informative

Introduzione Ogni anno il 20% circa degli operatori sanitari (OS) contrae l’influenza, continuando a lavorare e favorendo la diffusione dei virus influenzali nei reparti. La copertura media della vaccinazione antinfluenzale tra gli OS italiani si attesta attorno al 22%. Alla base del rifiuto vaccinale degli OS vi sono principalmente le scarse conoscenze, attitudini e percezioni in merito all’efficacia e alla sicurezza della vaccinazione antinfluenzale. In questo studio è stato analizzato il trend della copertura vaccinale contro l’influenza durante le ultime 12 stagioni negli OS dell’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (AOUP) di Palermo, valutando l’impatto delle strategie comunic…

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Improvement in vaccination knowledge among health students following an integrated extra curricular intervention, an explorative study in the University of Palermo

Summary Introduction. Vaccination coverages threaten to decrease because of false beliefs in their unsafety and inefficacy. Therefore formation of future health-care workers on this topic is fundamental to deal with any doubt and to promote active immunization among general population. Methods. In order to assess health-care students' knowledge about vaccination before an integrated seminar on this topic, and to evaluate their improvement after the educational intervention, an integrated educational intervention was held by a multidisciplinary team. Before and after the seminar, 118 students of medicine and biology schools at Palermo University were asked to answer 10 multiple-choice questi…

research product

Perforazione della Caldera dei Campi Flegrei - Una proposta anfibia IODP-ICDP

Active calderas are major volcanic features of the Earth’s crust associated with shallow magma reservoirs, high geothermal gradients, and geodynamic unrests often documented through historical time. As large caldera-forming eruptions are also among the most catastrophic events that may affect the Earth’s surface, calderas are ostensibly the sites of major interest for both the scientific community and governmental institutions worldwide. The Campi Flegrei is an active volcanic area located west of the city of Naples, largely on the continental shelf of the Eastern Tyrrhenian margin that has been characterized by dominantly explosive eruptions during the latest Quaternary. This is one among …

research product

The complex behaviour of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 in theρclass observed withBeppoSAX

BeppoSAX observed GRS 1915+105 on October 2000 with a long pointing lasting about ten days. During this observation, the source was mainly in the rho class characterized by bursts with a recurrence time of between 40 and 100 s. We identify five segments in the burst structure and accumulate the average spectra of these segments during each satellite orbit. We present a detailed spectral analysis aimed at determining variations that occur during the burst and understanding the physical process that produces them. We compare MECS, HPGSPC, and PDS spectra with several models. Under the assumption that a single model is able to fit all spectra, we find that the combination of a multi-temperatur…

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