G. M. Bisson
Aufnahme von Guanethidin in Gewebe nach sympathischer Denervierung und Vorbehandlung mit Reserpin
Die Beziehung zwischen der Guanethidin-Konzentration im Rattenherzen und dem Noradrenalingehalt
Guanethidine was intravenously injected into rats and was subsequently determined in the hearts by extracting the tissue with trichloroacetic acid, purifying the extracts on cation exchange columns and by paper chromatography, and coupling the guanethidine with ninhydrin in alkaline solution before fluorimetric estimation. The concentration in the heart reached a maximum of 9 μg/g within 15 min of injecting 15 mg/kg, and was still 6.2 and 5.7 μg/g after 1 and 3 hours, respectively. Guanethidine caused a decrease of the heart noradrenaline concentration, measured fluorimetrically, by 56% in 3 hours and by 93% in 14 hours. The adrenaline concentration was likewise decreased. A metabolite with…