Tamraparni Dasu

LocalRec 2019 workshop report: The Third ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Location-Based Recommendations, Geosocial Networks and Geoadvertising

The amount of publicly available geo-referenced data has seen a dramatic explosion over the past few years. Many user activities generate data that are annotated with location and contextual information. Furthermore, it has become easier to collect and combine rich and diverse location information. In the context of geoadvertising, the use of geosocial data for targeted marketing is receiving significant attention from a wide spectrum of companies and organizations. With the advent of smartphones and online social networks, a multi-billion dollar industry that utilizes geosocial data for advertising and marketing has emerged. Geotagged social-media posts, GPS traces, data from cellular ante…

research product

The Fourth ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Location-Based Recommendations, Geosocial Networks and Geoadvertising

The amount of publicly available geo-referenced data has seen a dramatic increase over the last years. Many user activities generate data that are annotated with location and contextual information. Moreover, it has become easier to collect and combine rich and diverse location information. In the context of geoadvertising, the use of geosocial data for targeted marketing is receiving significant attention from a wide spectrum of companies and organizations. With the advent of smartphones and online social networks, a multi-billion dollar industry that utilizes geosocial data for advertising and marketing has emerged. Geotagged social-media posts, GPS traces, data from cellular antennas and…

research product