Burghard J. Schmitt

research product

Untersuchungen zur thermodynamik und konformation von makromolekülen in polymermischungen in der nähe von entmischungspunkten durch neutronenbeugung

research product

Experimenteller nachweis des molekulardispersen charakters der mischung von zwei polymeren und bestimmung des chemischen potentials in diesen mischungen

Mit Hilfe der Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung wird der molekulardisperse Charakter einer glasklaren Mischung von zwei Polymeren bei Abwesenheit eines niedermolekularen Losungsmittels in einem Fall nachgewiesen, im anderen widerlegt. Falls eine molekulardisperse Mischung vorliegt, konnen das chemische Potential und die Knaueldimensionen bestimmt werden. Polymethylmethacrylat und Styrol-Acrylnitril-Copolymere bilden fur gewisse Zusammensetzungen des Copolymeren molekulardisperse Mischungen. Sie sind exotherm, besitzen eine negative Exzesentropie und die Molekulknauel sind gegenuber den ungestorten Knaueldimensionen expandiert. Die Theorie der Loslichkeitsparameter von Hildebrand und Scott ermogl…

research product

Structure and thermodynamics in polymer blends. Neutron scattering measurements on blends of poly(methyl methacrylate) and poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile)

Abstract Neutron scattering on polymer blends of deutero-poly(methyl methacrylate) (D-PMMA) and poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) with 19 wt% acrylonitrile (PSAN-19) exhibits excess scattering for scattering vectors Q≲0.2 nm−1 if the volume fraction of D-PMMA is less than 0.5 and greater than 0.05. The range of occurrence and the amount of excess scattering depends to a certain degree on the procedure of sample preparation. If the excess scattering is eliminated by linear extrapolation from large to small Q in the Zimm representation, the residual scattering intensity in the small and intermediate Q-range can be interpreted by the mean field approach of de Gennes with a concentration-dependent…

research product

Provided a polymer is soluble, i. e., molecularly dispersed in another polymer irrespective of the molecular weight of the components, the solution is exothermic. By increasing the temperature two effects, both unfavourable to mixing become larger: (i) the excess entropy of mixing caused by contact interaction and (ii) the total effect from the difference of the free volumes of the pure components. So, an upper miscibility gap occurs. The thermodynamic properties of the mixture cannot be derived from the properties of the pure components. They can be described by the corresponding states theory of Prigogine, Flory, and Patterson with suitable values for the contact energy and contact entrop…

research product