H. Weigt
Chapter 6: Swelling of C6 glioma cells and astrocytes from glutamate, high K+ concentrations or acidosis
Publisher Summary With impaired energy supply, cell swelling results from the failure of Na+/K+-ATPase according to the pump-leak model of cell volume regulation. In a series of in vitro studies, glial cell volume changes during defined and strictly controlled alterations of the extracellular environment in vitro. Experiments were performed with C6 glioma cells and astrocytes from primary culture. The major advantages of using C6 cells are the rapid availability of large cell numbers necessary for reliable flow cytometric volume measurements, and the homogeneous cell size distribution permitting the detection of even subtle volume changes. The sodium-potassium pump was blocked by the cardia…
Glial ion transport and volume control.
K(+)-induced glial swelling results from an intricate interaction of transport and diffusion processes and metabolic stimulation, with many open questions remaining. Our concept of the major mechanisms involved can be summarized as follows: high extracellular K+ causes a burst-like stimulation of Na+/K+ ATPase and, hence, increases the metabolic demands. Lactate is produced; the cell is slightly acidified. To maintain a normal intracellular pH, the Na+/K+ antiporter extrudes protons and supplies Na+ for further Na+/K+ exchange. In addition, K+ ions enter the cell via membrane channels or furosemide-inhibitable transport. K+, Cl-, and lactate- ions accumulate as the osmotic basis for cell sw…