Anton Zabrodin
Total photoabsorption cross sections forH1,H2, andHe3from 200 to 800 MeV
The total photoabsorption cross sections for $^{1}\mathrm{H}$, $^{2}\mathrm{H}$, and $^{3}\mathrm{He}$ have been measured for incident photon energies ranging from 200 to 800 MeV. The $^{3}\mathrm{He}$ data are the first for this nucleus. By using the large acceptance detector DAPHNE in conjunction with the tagged photon beam facility of the MAMI accelerator in Mainz, cross sections of high precision have been obtained. The results show clearly the changes in the nucleon resonances in going from $^{1}\mathrm{H}$ to $^{3}\mathrm{He}$. In particular, for the ${\mathit{D}}_{13}$ region the behavior for $^{3}\mathrm{He}$ is intermediate between that for $^{1}\mathrm{H}$, $^{2}\mathrm{H}$, and h…
Total cross section measurement for the three double pion photoproduction channels on the proton
Abstract The total cross sections for the three γp → Nππ reactions have been measured for photon energies from 400 to 800 MeV. The γ p → p π 0 π 0 and γ p → n π + π 0 cross sections have never been measured before while the γ p → p π + π − results are much improved compared to earlier data. These measurements were performed with the large acceptance hadronic detector DAPHNE, at the tagged photon beam facility of the MAMI microtron in Mainz.
Total photoabsorption cross section for4He from 200 to 800 MeV
The total photoabsorption cross section for ${}^{4}$He has been measured for the first time over a wide photon energy range (200 MeV$l~{E}_{\ensuremath{\gamma}}l~$800 MeV). By using the large acceptance detector DAPHNE at the tagged photon facility of the MAMI microtron in Mainz high precision results with small systematic errors were obtained. This measurement shows that ${}^{4}$He has a behavior similar to heavy nuclei and, in particular, a reduction of the cross section with respect to the lighter nuclei is found for ${E}_{\ensuremath{\gamma}}g$600 MeV.
Double Pion Photoproduction on the Proton up to 800 MeV
The total cross sections for the three γp → N ππ reactions have been measured for photon energies from 450 to 800 MeV. The γp → pπ0π0 and γp → nπ+π0 rcross sections have never been measured before while the γp → pπ+π− results are much improved compared to earlier data. These measurements were performed with the large acceptance hadronic detector DAPHNE, at the tagged photon beam facility of MAMI microtron in Mainz.