Luis Sabater Ortí
The Origins of Oncological Pancreatic Surgery in Spain. A Tribute to Pioneers
Pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) is a very complex operation. Its development took place very slowly at the most prestigious centers in the world. The aim of this investigation is to know who were the first surgeons to perform a PD in Spain as well as its historical circumstances. Despite all kinds of difficulties and very few resources, the first PD in Spain were carried out in Barcelona at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau where from the mid-50s a school of gastrointestinal surgery emerged with surgeons soon to become the spearhead of the Spanish surgery and a reference for the whole country: Pi-Figueras, Vicente Artigas, Antonio Soler-Roig and Antonio Llauradó. Almost simultaneously, …
Surgical anatomy applied to transperitoneal approaches of the abdominal aorta and visceral trunks. Dynamic article.
Access to the abdominal aorta and its visceral trunks is possible through several approaches. Dissections of five cadavers performed during three National Surgical Anatomy courses applied to Aorta, Hepatobiliopancreatic and Digestive Surgery. Videos and pictures were taken throughout the dissections and showed different abdominal aorta approaches. Abdominal aorta and visceral trunks approaches: longitudinal inframesocolic access, supraceliac clamping, celiac trunk dissection, superior mesenteric artery approaches (retroperitoneal after Kocher menoeuvre, supramesocolic or inframesocolic), Cattell-Braasch manoeuvre and mattox manoeuvre: retrorenal and prerenal. Correct knowledge of the intraa…
Inicios de la cirugía pancreática oncológica en España. Un tributo a los pioneros
Pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) is a very complex operation. Its development took place very slowly at the most prestigious centers in the world. The aim of this investigation is to know who were the first surgeons to perform a PD in Spain as well as its historical circumstances. Despite all kinds of difficulties and very few resources, the first PD in Spain were carried out in Barcelona at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau where from the mid-50s a school of gastrointestinal surgery emerged with surgeons soon to become the spearhead of the Spanish surgery and a reference for the whole country: Pi-Figueras, Vicente Artigas, Antonio Soler-Roig and Antonio Llaurado. Almost simultaneously, …
Efficacy of hydrodynamic interleukin 10 gene transfer in human liver segments with interest in transplantation.
Different diseases lead, during their advanced stages, to chronic or acute liver failure, whose unique treatment consists in organ transplantation. The success of intervention is limited by host immune response and graft rejection. The use of immunosuppressant drugs generally improve organ transplantation, but they cannot completely solve the problem. Also, their management is delicate, especially during the early stages of treatment. Thus, new tools to set an efficient modulation of immune response are required. The local expression of interleukin (IL) 10 protein in transplanted livers mediated by hydrodynamic gene transfer could improve the organ acceptance by the host because it presents…
Anatomía quirúrgica aplicada a abordajes transperitoneales de la aorta abdominal y los troncos viscerales. Artículo dinámico
Resumen Los cirujanos cardiovasculares y del aparato digestivo deberian estar al corriente de las multiples alternativas de abordaje de la aorta abdominal y sus troncos viscerales. Articulo narrativo, ilustrado y dinamico de las diferentes maniobras quirurgicas descritas con este objetivo. Diseccion de 5 cadaveres realizadas durante tres cursos nacionales de Anatomia Quirurgica aplicada a aorta integral, Cirugia hepatobiliopancreatica y Cirugia abdominal digestiva. Maniobras quirurgicas descritas: abordaje aortico inframesocolico longitudinal, abordaje aortico supraceliaco, abordaje del tronco celiaco, tres tipos de abordaje de la arteria mesenterica superior: retroperitoneal tras maniobra …