A. V. Dodonov
Speeding up antidynamical Casimir effect with nonstationary qutrits
The antidynamical Casimir effect (ADCE) is a term coined to designate the coherent annihilation of excitations due to resonant external perturbation of system parameters, allowing for extraction of quantum work from nonvacuum states of some field. Originally proposed for a two-level atom (qubit) coupled to a single cavity mode in the context of nonstationary quantum Rabi model, it suffered from very low transition rate and correspondingly narrow resonance linewidth. In this paper we show analytically and numerically that the ADCE rate can be increased by at least one order of magnitude by replacing the qubit by an artificial three-level atom (qutrit) in a properly chosen configuration. For …
Emulation of n-photon Jaynes Cummings and Anti-Jaynes-Cummings models via parametric modulation of cyclic qutrit
We study a circuit QED setup involving a single cavity mode and a cyclic qutrit whose parameters are time modulated externally. It is shown that in the dispersive regime this system behaves as a versatile platform to implement effective $n$-photon Jaynes-Cummings (JC) and anti-Jaynes-Cummings (AJC) models by suitably setting the modulation frequency. The atomic levels and the cavity Fock states involved in the effective Hamiltonians can be controlled through adjustment of the system parameters, and different JC and AJC interactions can be implemented simultaneously using multitone modulations. Moreover, one can implement some models that go beyond simple JC and AJC-like interaction, such as…
Effective Landau-Zener transitions in circuit dynamical Casimir effect with time-varying modulation frequency
We consider the dissipative single-qubit circuit QED architecture in which the atomic transition frequency undergoes a weak external time-modulation. For sinusoidal modulation with linearly varying frequency we derive effective Hamiltonians that resemble the Landau-Zener problem of finite duration associated to a two- or multi-level systems. The corresponding off-diagonal coupling coefficients originate either from the rotating or the counter-rotating terms in the Rabi Hamiltonian, depending on the values of the modulation frequency. It is demonstrated that in the dissipation less case one can accomplish almost complete transitions between the eigenstates of the bare Rabi Hamiltonian even f…
Anti-dynamical Casimir effect with an ensemble of qubits
Abstract We consider the interaction between a single cavity mode and N ≫ 1 identical qubits, assuming that any system parameter can be rapidly modulated in situ by external bias. It is shown that, for the qubits initially in the ground states, three photons can be coherently annihilated in the dispersive regime for harmonic modulation with frequency 3 ω 0 − Ω 0 , where ω 0 ( Ω 0 ) is the bare cavity (qubit) frequency. This phenomenon can be called “Anti-dynamical Casimir effect”, since a pair of excitations is destroyed without dissipation due to the external modulation. For the initial vacuum cavity state, three qubit excitations can also be annihilated for the modulation frequency 3 Ω 0 …
Analytical and numerical analysis of the atom–field dynamics in non-stationary cavity QED
We study analytically and numerically the dynamics of the quantum non-stationary system composed of a two-level atom interacting with a single mode cavity field whose frequency is rapidly modulated in time (with a small amplitude). We identify modulation laws resulting in qualitatively different dynamical regimes and we present analytical solutions in some simple cases. In particular, we analyse minutely the influence of the field–atom coupling on the photon generation from vacuum via the dynamical Casimir effect.