Sergey I. Bokarev
OpenMolcas: From Source Code to Insight
In this article we describe the OpenMolcas environment and invite the computational chemistry community to collaborate. The open-source project already includes a large number of new developments realized during the transition from the commercial MOLCAS product to the open-source platform. The paper initially describes the technical details of the new software development platform. This is followed by brief presentations of many new methods, implementations, and features of the OpenMolcas program suite. These developments include novel wave function methods such as stochastic complete active space self-consistent field, density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) methods, and hybrid multico…
2p x-ray absorption spectroscopy of 3d transition metal systems
Abstract This review provides an overview of the different methods and computer codes that are used to interpret 2p x-ray absorption spectra of 3d transition metal ions. We first introduce the basic parameters and give an overview of the methods used. We start with the semi-empirical multiplet codes and compare the different codes that are available. A special chapter is devoted to the user friendly interfaces that have been written on the basis of these codes. Next we discuss the first principle codes based on band structure, including a chapter on Density Functional theory based approaches. We also give an overview of the first-principle multiplet codes that start from a cluster calculati…