Emanuele Orazi
Mapping nonlinear gravity into General Relativity with nonlinear electrodynamics
We show that families of nonlinear gravity theories formulated in a metric-affine approach and coupled to a nonlinear theory of electrodynamics can be mapped into General Relativity (GR) coupled to another nonlinear theory of electrodynamics. This allows to generate solutions of the former from those of the latter using purely algebraic transformations. This correspondence is explicitly illustrated with the Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld theory of gravity, for which we consider a family of nonlinear electrodynamics and show that, under the map, preserve their algebraic structure. For the particular case of Maxwell electrodynamics coupled to Born-Infeld gravity we find, via this corresponden…
Born-Infeld Gravity: Constraints from Light-by-Light Scattering and an Effective Field Theory Perspective
By using a novel technique that establishes a correspondence between general relativity and metric-affine theories based on the Ricci tensor, we are able to set stringent constraints on the free parameter of Born-Infeld gravity from the ones recently obtained for Born-Infeld electrodynamics by using light-by-light scattering data from ATLAS. We also discuss how these gravity theories plus matter fit within an effective field theory framework.
Multicenter solutions in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity
We find multicenter (Majumdar-Papapetrou type) solutions of Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity coupled to electromagnetic fields governed by a Born-Infeld-like Lagrangian. We construct the general solution for an arbitrary number of centers in equilibrium and then discuss the properties of their one-particle configurations, including the existence of bounces and the regularity (geodesic completeness) of these spacetimes. Our method can be used to construct multicenter solutions in other theories of gravity.
Structure and stability of traversable thin-shell wormholes in Palatini f(R) gravity
We study the structure and stability of traversable wormholes built as (spherically symmetric) thin shells in the context of Palatini f(R) gravity. Using a suitable junction formalism for these theories we find that the effective number of degrees of freedom on the shell is reduced to a single one, which fixes the equation of state to be that of massless stress-energy fields, contrary to the general relativistic and metric f(R) cases. Another major difference is that the surface energy density threading the thin shell, needed in order to sustain the wormhole, can take any sign and may even vanish, depending on the desired features of the corresponding solutions. We illustrate our results by…
Correspondence between modified gravity and general relativity with scalar fields
We describe a novel procedure to map the field equations of nonlinear Ricci-based metric-affine theories of gravity, coupled to scalar matter described by a given Lagrangian, into the field equations of General Relativity coupled to a different scalar field Lagrangian. Our analysis considers examples with a single and $N$ real scalar fields, described either by canonical Lagrangians or by generalized functions of the kinetic and potential terms. In particular, we consider several explicit examples involving $f(R)$ theories and the Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity model, coupled to different scalar field Lagrangians. We show how the nonlinearities of the gravitational sector of these t…
Structure and stability of traversable thin-shell wormholes in Palatini $f(\mathcal{R})$ gravity
We study the structure and stability of traversable wormholes built as (spherically symmetric) thin shells in the context of Palatini $f(\mathcal{R})$ gravity. Using a suitable junction formalism for these theories we find that the effective number of degrees of freedom on the shell is reduced to a single one, which fixes the equation of state to be that of massless stress-energy fields, contrary to the general relativistic and metric $f(R)$ cases. Another major difference is that the surface energy density threading the thin-shell, needed in order to sustain the wormhole, can take any sign, and may even vanish, depending on the desired features of the corresponding solutions. We illustrate…
An infinite class of exact rotating black hole metrics of modified gravity
We build an infinite class of exact axisymmetric solutions of a metric-affine gravity theory, namely, Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity, coupled to an anisotropic fluid as a matter source. The solution-generating method employed is not unique of this theory but can be extended to other Ricci-Based Gravity theories (RBGs), a class of theories built out of contractions of the Ricci tensor with the metric. This method exploits a correspondence between the space of solutions of General Relativity and that of RBGs, and is independent of the symmetries of the problem. For the particular case in which the fluid is identified with non-linear electromagnetic fields we explicitly derive the corr…
Structure and stability of traversable thin-shell wormholes in Palatini f(R) gravity
We study the structure and stability of traversable wormholes built as (spherically symmetric) thin shells in the context of Palatini f(R) gravity. Using a suitable junction formalism for these theories we find that the effective number of degrees of freedom on the shell is reduced to a single one, which fixes the equation of state to be that of massless stress-energy fields, contrary to the general relativistic and metric f(R) cases. Another major difference is that the surface energy density threading the thin shell, needed in order to sustain the wormhole, can take any sign and may even vanish, depending on the desired features of the corresponding solutions. We illustrate our results by…
Rotating black holes in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity: an exact solution
We find an exact, rotating charged black hole solution within Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity. To this end we employ a recently developed correspondence or {\it mapping} between modified gravity models built as scalars out of contractions of the metric with the Ricci tensor, and formulated in metric-affine spaces (Ricci-Based Gravity theories) and General Relativity. This way, starting from the Kerr-Newman solution, we show that this mapping bring us the axisymmetric solutions of Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity coupled to a certain model of non-linear electrodynamics. We discuss the most relevant physical features of the solutions obtained this way, both in the spherically sym…
New scalar compact objects in Ricci-based gravity theories
Taking advantage of a previously developed method, which allows to map solutions of General Relativity into a broad family of theories of gravity based on the Ricci tensor (Ricci-based gravities), we find new exact analytical scalar field solutions by mapping the free-field static, spherically symmetric solution of General Relativity (GR) into quadratic $f(R)$ gravity and the Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity. The obtained solutions have some distinctive feature below the would-be Schwarzschild radius of a configuration with the same mass, though in this case no horizon is present. The compact objects found include wormholes, compact balls, shells of energy with no interior, and a new …
Ricci-Based Gravity theories and their impact on Maxwell and nonlinear electromagnetic models
Abstract We extend the correspondence between metric-affine Ricci-Based Gravity the- ories and General Relativity (GR) to the case in which the matter sector is represented by linear and nonlinear electromagnetic fields. This complements previous studies focused on fluids and scalar fields. We establish the general algorithm that relates the matter fields in the GR and RBG frames and consider some applications. In particular, we find that the so-called Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity theory coupled to Maxwell electromag- netism is in direct correspondence with GR coupled to Born-Infeld electromagnetism. We comment on the potential phenomenological implications of this relation.