Karl H. Hofmann
The probability that $x$ and $y$ commute in a compact group
We show that a compact group $G$ has finite conjugacy classes, i.e., is an FC-group if and only if its center $Z(G)$ is open if and only if its commutator subgroup $G'$ is finite. Let $d(G)$ denote the Haar measure of the set of all pairs $(x,y)$ in $G \times G$ for which $[x,y] = 1$; this, formally, is the probability that two randomly picked elements commute. We prove that $d(G)$ is always rational and that it is positive if and only if $G$ is an extension of an FC-group by a finite group. This entails that $G$ is abelian by finite. The proofs involve measure theory, transformation groups, Lie theory of arbitrary compact groups, and representation theory of compact groups. Examples and re…
AbstractIn a recent article [K. H. Hofmann and F. G. Russo, ‘The probability that$x$and$y$commute in a compact group’,Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil Soc., to appear] we calculated for a compact group$G$the probability$d(G)$that two randomly selected elements$x, y\in G$satisfy$xy=yx$, and we discussed the remarkable consequences on the structure of$G$which follow from the assumption that$d(G)$is positive. In this note we consider two natural numbers$m$and$n$and the probability$d_{m,n}(G)$that for two randomly selected elements$x, y\in G$the relation$x^my^n=y^nx^m$holds. The situation is more complicated whenever$n,m\gt 1$. If$G$is a compact Lie group and if its identity component$G_0$is abelian,…
Near abelian profinite groups
Abstract A compact p-group G (p prime) is called near abelian if it contains an abelian normal subgroup A such that G/A has a dense cyclic subgroup and that every closed subgroup of A is normal in G. We relate near abelian groups to a class of compact groups, which are rich in permuting subgroups. A compact group is called quasihamiltonian (or modular) if every pair of compact subgroups commutes setwise. We show that for p ≠ 2 a compact p-group G is near abelian if and only if it is quasihamiltonian. The case p = 2 is discussed separately.