F. Kiaeerad
Activity from the Be/X-ray binary system V0332+53 during its intermediate-luminosity outburst in 2008
Aims: We present a study of the Be/X-ray binary system V 0332+53 with the main goal of characterizing its behavior mainly during the intermediate-luminosity X-ray event on 2008. In addition, we aim to contribute to the understanding of the global behavior of the donor companion by including optical data from our dedicated campaign starting on 2006. Methods: V 0332+53 was observed by RXTE and Swift during the decay of the intermediate-luminosity X-ray outburst of 2008, as well as with Suzaku before the rising of the third normal outburst of the 2010 series. In addition, we present recent data from the Spanish ground-based astronomical observatories of El Teide (Tenerife), Roque de los Muchac…
Detection of a large Be circumstellar disk during X-ray quiescence of XTE J1946+274
We present a multiwavelength study of the Be/X-ray binary system XTE J1946+274 with the main goal of better characterizing its behavior during X-ray quiescence. We aim to shed light on the mechanism which triggers the X-ray activity for this source. XTE J1946+274 was observed by Chandra-ACIS during quiescence in 2013 March 12. In addition, this source has been monitored from the ground-based astronomical observatories of El Teide (Tenerife, Spain), Roque de los Muchachos (La Palma, Spain) and Sierra Nevada (Granada, Spain) since 2011 September, and from the TUBITAK National Observatory (Antalya, Turkey) since 2005 April. We have performed spectral and photometric temporal analyses in order …