Binding of monocytes from normolipidemic hyperglycemic patients with type 1 diabetes to endothelial cells is increased in vitro.
Increased endothelial binding and emigration of monocytes play a dominant role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in diabetes mellitus. Previous studies revealed that hyperlipidemia correlates with monocyte binding in vitro. The aim of this study was to characterize the monocyte-endothelial interaction of leucocytes of hyperglycemic patients with type 1 diabetes but lacking hyperlipidemia. We isolated monocytes from healthy controls and normolipidemic type 1 diabetes patients with elevated levels of HbA1c and quantified monocyte binding by an immunoilluminometric cell adhesion assay. Purity of isolated monocytes was at least 98%. Endothelial binding of monocytes from patients with type …