D. Mohler

Towards extracting the timelike pion form factor on CLS two-flavour ensembles

35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Lattice 2017, Granada, Spain, 18 Jun 2017 - 24 Jun 2017; The European physical journal / Web of Conferences 175, 05027 (2018). doi:10.1051/epjconf/201817505027

research product

Charmonium-like resonances with $J^{PC}=0^{++},2^{++}$ in coupled $D\bar D$, $D_s\bar D_s$ scattering on the lattice

We present the first lattice investigation of coupled-channel $D\bar D$ and $D_s\bar D_s$ scattering in the $J^{PC}=0^{++}$ and $2^{++}$ channels. The scattering matrix for partial waves $l=0,2$ and isospin zero is determined using multiple volumes and inertial frames via L\"uscher's formalism. Lattice QCD ensembles from the CLS consortium with $m_{\pi}\simeq280$ MeV, $a \simeq 0.09 $ fm and $L/a=24,~32$ are utilized. The resulting scattering matrix suggests the existence of three charmonium-like states with $J^{PC}=0^{++}$ in the energy region ranging from slightly below $2m_D$ up to 4.13 GeV. We find a so far unobserved $D\bar D$ bound state just below threshold and a $D\bar D$ resonance …

research product

Heavy-hadron interactions from Lattice QCD

I review recent progress in heavy hadron spectroscopy and from ab-initio Lattice QCD calculations.After motivating lattice calculations for heavy-hadrons by contrasting recent LHCb results charmed and doubly-charmed baryons with lattice predictions, selected resultsfrom scattering calculations for heavy-light mesons and for charmonia are presented.I close with a discussion of recent Lattice QCD predictions of explicitlyexotic doubly-heavy states.

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Lattice calculation of the hadronic leading order contribution to the muon g − 2

The European physical journal / Web of Conferences Web of Conferences : proceedings proceedings 234, 01016 - (2020). doi:10.1051/epjconf/202023401016

research product

Rho resonance, timelike pion form factor, and implications for lattice studies of the hadronic vacuum polarization

We study isospin-1 P-wave ππ scattering in lattice QCD with two flavors of O(a) improved Wilson fermions. For pion masses ranging from mπ=265 MeV to mπ=437 MeV, we determine the energy spectrum in the center-of-mass frame and in three moving frames. We obtain the scattering phase shifts using Lüscher’s finite-volume quantization condition. Fitting the dependence of the phase shifts on the scattering momentum to a Breit-Wigner form allows us to determine the corresponding ρ mass mρ and gρππ coupling. By combining the scattering phase shifts with the decay matrix element of the vector current, we calculate the timelike pion form factor, Fπ, and compare the results to the Gounaris-Sakurai repr…

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Isovector electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon from lattice QCD and the proton radius puzzle

Physical review / D 103(9), 094522 (2021). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.103.094522

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Fully nonperturbative charm-quark tuning using machine learning

We present a relativistic heavy-quark action tuning for the charm sector on ensembles generated by the CLS consortium. We tune a particular 5-parameter action in an entirely non-perturbative and -- up to the chosen experimental input -- model-independent way using machine learning and the continuum experimental charmonium ground-state masses with various quantum numbers. In the end we are reasonably successful; obtaining a set of simulation parameters that we then verify produces the expected spectrum. In the future, we will use this action for finite-volume calculations of hadron-hadron scattering.

research product

Identifying spin and parity of charmonia in flight with lattice QCD

The spectrum of charmonium resonances contains a number of unanticipated states along with several conventional quark-model excitations. The hadrons of different quantum numbers $J^P$ appear in a fairly narrow energy band, where $J^P$ refers to the spin-parity of a hadron at rest. This poses a challenge for Lattice QCD studies of (coupled-channel) meson-meson scattering aimed at the determination of scattering amplitudes and resonance pole positions. A wealth of information for this purpose can be obtained from the lattice spectra in frames with nonzero total momentum. These are particularly dense since hadrons with different $J^P$ contribute to any given lattice irreducible representation.…

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Remarks on strange-quark simulations with Wilson fermions

Physical review / D 102(7), 074506 (1-10) (2020). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.102.074506

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Hadronic Contributions to the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon from Lattice QCD

The Standard Model of Particle Physics describes three of the four known fundamental interactions: the strong interaction between quarks and gluons, the electromagnetic interaction, and the weak interaction. While the Standard Model is extremely successful, we know that it is not a complete description of nature. One way to search for physics beyond the Standard Model lies in the measurement of precision observables. The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon \(a_\mu \equiv \frac{1}{2}(g-2)_\mu \), quantifying the deviation of the gyromagnetic ratio from the exact value of 2 predicted by the Dirac equation, is one such precision observable. It exhibits a persistent discrepancy of 3.5 standar…

research product

Charmonium resonances on the lattice

The nature of resonances and excited states near decay thresholds is encoded in scattering amplitudes, which can be extracted from single-particle and multiparticle correlators in finite volumes. Lattice calculations have only recently reached the precision required for a reliable study of such correlators. The distillation method represents a significant improvement insofar as it simplifies quark contractions and allows one to easily extend the operator basis used to construct interpolators. We present preliminary results on charmonium bound states and resonances on the Nf=2+1 CLS ensembles. The long term goal of our investigation is to understand the properties of the X resonances that do…

research product

$B_s\pi^+$ scattering and search for X(5568) with lattice QCD

We investigate $B_s\pi^+$ scattering in s-wave using lattice QCD in order to search for an exotic resonance X(5568) with flavor $\bar b s \bar d u$; such a state was recently reported by D0 but was not seen by LHCb. If X(5568) with $J^P=0^+$ exists, it can strongly decay only to $B_s\pi^+$ and lies significantly below all other thresholds, which makes a lattice search for X(5568) cleaner and simpler than for other exotic candidates. Both an elastic resonance in $B_s\pi^+$ as well as a deeply bound $B^+\bar K^0$ would lead to distinct signatures in the energies of lattice eigenstates, which are not seen in our simulation. We therefore do not find a candidate for X(5568) with $J^P=0^+$ in agr…

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