Charmonium-like resonances with $J^{PC}=0^{++},2^{++}$ in coupled $D\bar D$, $D_s\bar D_s$ scattering on the lattice
We present the first lattice investigation of coupled-channel $D\bar D$ and $D_s\bar D_s$ scattering in the $J^{PC}=0^{++}$ and $2^{++}$ channels. The scattering matrix for partial waves $l=0,2$ and isospin zero is determined using multiple volumes and inertial frames via L\"uscher's formalism. Lattice QCD ensembles from the CLS consortium with $m_{\pi}\simeq280$ MeV, $a \simeq 0.09 $ fm and $L/a=24,~32$ are utilized. The resulting scattering matrix suggests the existence of three charmonium-like states with $J^{PC}=0^{++}$ in the energy region ranging from slightly below $2m_D$ up to 4.13 GeV. We find a so far unobserved $D\bar D$ bound state just below threshold and a $D\bar D$ resonance …