Laura ÁLvarez-bravos
Sudden Complex Hallucinations in a 14-Year-Old Girl: Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders Versus Dissociative Disorders-The Influence of Early Life Experiences on Future Mental Health : "[RETRACTED]".
A 14-year-old girl is taken to the pediatric emergency department (ED) by her parents because of sudden complex hallucinations.She shows moderate intellectual disability without a peculiar phenotype already evaluated by neuropediatrics (normal comparative genomic hybridization array and brain magnetic resonance imaging) and most likely related to affective deprivation at the orphanage. Adopted at 20 months from China, her parents reported that on arrival she had scars, allegedly from being tied to a chair for a long time, and that although she was able to stand, she could not walk. At 22 months, she had experienced several episodes of loss of consciousness with rigidity that were attributed…