Antonio Stabile
Photon frequency shift in curvature based Extended Theories of Gravity
We study the frequency shift of photons generated by rotating gravitational sources in the framework of curvature based Extended Theories of Gravity. The discussion is developed considering the weak-field approximation. Following a perturbative approach, we analyze the process of exchanging photons between Earth and a given satellite, and we find a general relation to constrain the free parameters of gravitational theories. Finally, we suggest the Moon as a possible laboratory to test theories of gravity by future experiments which can be, in principle, based also on other Solar System bodies.
Astrophysical constraints on extended gravity models
We investigate the propagation of gravitational waves in the context of fourth order gravity nonminimally coupled to a massive scalar field. Using the damping of the orbital period of coalescing stellar binary systems, we impose constraints on the free parameters of extended gravity models. In particular, we find that the variation of the orbital period is a function of three mass scales which depend on the free parameters of the model under consideration; we can constrain these mass scales from current observational data.
Einstein, Planck and Vera Rubin: Relevant Encounters Between the Cosmological and the Quantum Worlds
In Cosmology and in Fundamental Physics there is a crucial question like: where the elusive substance that we call Dark Matter is hidden in the Universe and what is it made of? that, even after 40 years from the Vera Rubin seminal discovery [1] does not have a proper answer. Actually, the more we have investigated, the more this issue has become strongly entangled with aspects that go beyond the established Quantum Physics, the Standard Model of Elementary particles and the General Relativity and related to processes like the Inflation, the accelerated expansion of the Universe and High Energy Phenomena around compact objects. Even Quantum Gravity and very exotic Dark Matter particle candid…
Probing Models of Extended Gravity using Gravity Probe B and LARES experiments
We consider models of Extended Gravity and in particular, generic models containing scalar-tensor and higher-order curvature terms, as well as a model derived from noncommutative spectral geometry. Studying, in the weak-field approximation, the geodesic and Lense-Thirring processions, we impose constraints on the free parameters of such models by using the recent experimental results of the Gravity Probe B and LARES satellites.