E. Rasia
BCG Mass Evolution in Cosmological Hydro-Simulations
We analyze the stellar growth of Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs) produced by cosmological zoom-in hydrodynamical simulations of the formation of massive galaxy clusters. The evolution of the stellar mass content is studied considering different apertures, and tracking backwards either the main progenitor of the $z=0$ BCG or that of the cluster hosting the BCG at $z=0$. Both methods lead to similar results up to $z \simeq 1.5$. The simulated BCGs masses at $z=0$ are in agreement with recent observations. In the redshift interval from $z=1$ to $z=0$ we find growth factors 1.3, 1.6 and 3.6 for stellar masses within 30kpc, 50kpc and 10% of $R_{500}$ respectively. The first two factors, and in…
Exploring the role of cosmological shock waves in the Dianoga simulations of galaxy clusters
Cosmological shock waves are ubiquitous to cosmic structure formation and evolution. As a consequence, they play a major role in the energy distribution and thermalization of the intergalactic medium (IGM). We analyze the Mach number distribution in the Dianoga simulations of galaxy clusters performed with the SPH code GADGET-3. The simulations include the effects of radiative cooling, star formation, metal enrichment, supernova and active galactic nuclei feedback. A grid-based shock-finding algorithm is applied in post-processing to the outputs of the simulations. This procedure allows us to explore in detail the distribution of shocked cells and their strengths as a function of cluster ma…
The origin of ICM enrichment in the outskirts of present-day galaxy clusters from cosmological hydrodynamical simulations
The uniformity of the intra-cluster medium (ICM) enrichment level in the outskirts of nearby galaxy clusters suggests that chemical elements were deposited and widely spread into the intergalactic medium before the cluster formation. This observational evidence is supported by numerical findings from cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, as presented in Biffi et al. (2017), including the effect of thermal feedback from active galactic nuclei. Here, we further investigate this picture, by tracing back in time the spatial origin and metallicity evolution of the gas residing at z=0 in the outskirts of simulated galaxy clusters. In these regions, we find a large distribution of iron abundanc…
The universal thermodynamic properties of the intracluster medium over two decades in radius in the X-COP sample
The hot plasma in galaxy clusters is expected to be heated to high temperatures through shocks and adiabatic compression. The thermodynamical properties of the gas encode information on the processes leading to the thermalization of the gas in the cluster's potential well as well as non-gravitational processes such as gas cooling, AGN feedback and kinetic energy. In this work we present the radial profiles of the thermodynamic properties of the intracluster medium (ICM) out to the virial radius for a sample of 12 galaxy clusters selected from the Planck all-sky survey. We determine the universal profiles of gas density, temperature, pressure, and entropy over more than two decades in radius…