N.v. Jimenez-torres
Dosage individualization of erythropoietin using a profile-dependent support vector regression
The external administration of recombinant human erythropoietin is the chosen treatment for those patients with secondary anemia due to chronic renal failure in periodic hemodialysis. The objective of this paper is to carry out an individualized prediction of the EPO dosage to be administered to those patients. The high cost of this medication, its side-effects and the phenomenon of potential resistance which some individuals suffer all justify the need for a model which is capable of optimizing dosage individualization. A group of 110 patients and several patient factors were used to develop the models. The support vector regressor (SVR) is benchmarked with the classical multilayer percept…
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Kidney Transplant Recipients Using Profiled Support Vector Machines
This paper proposes a twofold approach for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of kidney recipients using support vector machines (SVMs), for both predicting and detecting Cyclosporine A (CyA) blood concentrations. The final goal is to build useful, robust, and ultimately understandable models for individualizing the dosage of CyA. We compare SVMs with several neural network models, such as the multilayer perceptron (MLP), the Elman recurrent network, finite/infinite impulse response networks, and neural network ARMAX approaches. In addition, we present a profile-dependent SVM (PD-SVM), which incorporates a priori knowledge in both tasks. Models are compared numerically, statistically, and in…