Jouni Pöyhönen
Cyber Situational Awareness in Critical Infrastructure Organizations
The capability related to cybersecurity plays an ever-growing role on overall national security and securing the functions vital to society. The national cyber capability is mainly composed by resilience of companies running critical infrastructures and their cyber situational awareness (CSA). According to a common view, components of critical infrastructures become more complex and interdependent on each other and, as a consequence, ramifications of incidents multiply. In practice, the actions relate to developing better CSA and understanding of a critical infrastructure organization. The aim is to prepare for incidents and their management in a whole-of-society approach. The arrangement i…
Kyberturvallisuuden hallintajärjestelmän luominen energiayhtiön lämpövoimalaitokseen : CIRP-raportti 2016
Modernin yhteiskunnan toiminta perustuu useiden kriittisten infrastruktuurien yhteistoimintaan. Niiden keskinäinen toimintakyky riippuu yhä enemmän luotettavista sähköisistä järjestelmistä, toimivista tiedonsiirtoverkostoista sekä tiedon luotettavuudesta, eheydestä ja käytettävyydestä toimintaympäristössä, jonka kyberturvallisuusriskejä digitaalisen maailman uhkakuvat jatkuvasti kasvattavat. Suomen sähköntuotannosta lähes kolmannes tuotetaan sähkön ja lämmön yhteistuotantona lämpövoimalaitoksissa. Niiden tuotantoprosessien ohjaus tapahtuu pitkälle automatisoituja ja teknillisesti verkottuneita teollisuuden automaatiojärjestelmiä hyväksi käyttäen. Tämä tutkimusraportti käsittelee energiayhti…
Assessment of Cybersecurity Risks: Maritime Automated Piloting Process
A modern society is a combination of several critical infrastructures, of which international and national maritime transportation systems are essential parts. Digitalization makes it possible to increase levels of autonomy in maritime systems. It also means fully existing cyberenvironments in maritime processes. In cyberenvironments, it is crucial there is trustable information communication between system elements of the process, alongside the usability, reliability, and integrity of systems data in the operating environment. In order to develop maritime autonomy in Finland the Sea4Value / Fairway (S4VF) research program has been developed. At the first stage of the program, the main goal…
Cyber Situational Awareness in Critical Infrastructure Protection
The European Union promotes collaboration between authorities and the private sector, and the providers of the most critical services to society face security related obligations. In this paper, critical infrastructure is seen as a system of systems that can be subject to cyber-attacks and other disturbances. Situational awareness (SA) enhances preparations for and decision-making during assessed and unforeseen disruptive incidents, and promoting Cyber effective situational awareness (CSA) requires information sharing between the different interest groups. This research is constructive in nature, where innovative constructions developed as solutions for domain-specific real world problem…
Assessment of Cyber Security risks : A Smart Terminal Process
In Finland, the connections to global maritime transportation logistics systems are an essential part of the national critical infrastructure. As a part of maritime logistics systems, the port's operations are important elements for global maritime traffic and the transportation supply chain. Digitalization of seaport services makes it possible to increase the efficiency of terminal systems in the logistic processes. At the same time, port logistic processes can notably reduce its CO2 emissions by optimizing port operations. The improvement of port processes relies very much on the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Industrial Control Systems (ICS) or Operatio…
Kyberturvallisuus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa
Smart Terminal System of Systems’ Cyber Threat Impact Evaluation
Systems of system-level thinking is required when the purpose is to develop a coherent understanding of the ecosystem where every user and system requirements are divided into specific parts. The smarter project, as a part of the Sea4value program of DIMECC, aims to develop harbor operations, including passenger and cargo transportation, in a way that port processes will improve, emissions will decrease, and overall security will enhance in smart ports. This paper describes cyber-attack impacts against the Smart terminal system of systems in the cyber realm by utilizing the MITRE ATTACK® framework to map the objectives of threat actors. The Smart Terminal system environment includes ICT, IC…
Omadata terveydenhuollon tietointensiivisessä rakenteessa
Basic Elements of Cyber Security for a Smart Terminal Process
Global maritime transportation and logistics systems are essential parts of critical infrastructures in every society, and a crucial part of maritime logistics processes are seaports. Digitalization helps improve the efficiency of terminal systems in the processes of these ports. In Finland this development is going on and it is called SMARTER research program. In the best cases, digitalization can also promote the reduction of emissions by optimizing port operations and enhancing cargo and people flows while improving the experience for all stakeholders. The improvement of port processes relies on the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and as well as on Industria…
SWOT-analyysin soveltaminen yrityksen kyberturvallisuuden tilannekuvan muodostamiseen : Cyber Trust/CIRP-raportti : tutkimusmenetelmän kuvaus 2017
Modernin yhteiskunnan toiminta perustuu useiden kriittisten infrastruktuurien yhteistoimintaan. Niiden keskinäinen toimintakyky riippuu yhä enemmän luottamuksesta infrastruktuuriin kuuluvien organisaatioiden toimintakykyyn kybertoimintaympäristössä, jonka riskejä digitaalisen maailman uhkakuvat jatkuvasti kasvattavat. SWOT-analyysi on tärkeä väline analysoitaessa organisaation toimintakykyä ja sen toimintaympäristöä kokonaisuutena. Se on nelikenttämenetelmä, jota käytetään yleisesti tilannekuvan muodostamiseen laadittaessa yrityksen strategioita, sekä oppimisen tai ongelmien tunnistamisessa, arvioinnissa ja toimintaprosessien kehittämisessä. SWOTanalyysin kohteena voi olla jonkin yrityksen …
Emerging Cyber risk Challenges in Maritime Transportation
Maritime security and surveillance have become one of the main areas in managing overall situational awareness. For example, the growing importance of maritime traffic in cross-border trade has created new pressures to develop new technologies for accident prevention, especially in the ports. Maritime safety is also a matter of concern for continuity management. Automatic ship alarm systems, coastal radars and coastal cameras are not alone sufficient equipment to build maritime awareness. The Universal Shipborne Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a ship transponder system that is a globally used tracking system, but highly vulnerable to hacking. A major maritime traffic problem arises…
Cyber security in the management of an electricity company
The functioning of a modern society is based on the cooperation of several critical infrastructures, whose joint efficiency depends increasingly on a reliable national electric power system. Reliability is based on functional data transmission networks in the organizations that belong to the power system. Furthermore, reliability is linked to the usability, reliability and integrity of system data in the operating environment, whose cyber security risks are continuously augmented by threatening scenarios of the digital world. In Finland, the production of electricity is in various ways decentralized, which contributes to the reliability of the power system. Finland has about 120 enterprises…
Cyber Threat Analysis in Smart Terminal Systems
Cyber threats create significant factors that challenge traditional threat prevention mechanisms in harbor areas and port terminals. It has been recognized that understanding security functionalities in the harbor area is based on a more traditional experience of what it requires. It is not enough that the maritime and harbor ecosystem repeats only physical security service routines regarding random checks of passengers and vehicles and customs functions on cargo and passenger transportation. Smart environments and infrastructures are widely expanded in urban areas and create more challenges if old practices are combined with new technologies and functionalities. Traditional threats have ch…
Standardit, ohjeet ja suositukset osana teollisuusorganisaatioiden kyberturvallisuuden hallintaa : CIRP-raportti 2017
Standardisointi mahdollistaa organisaatiossa yhteisten toimintatapojen hakemisen. Se helpottaa myös organisaation toimintaa sen keskeisten sidosryhmien, kuten viranomaisten, muun elinkeinoelämän ja kuluttajien kanssa. Lisäksi standardisoinnilla edistetään tuotteiden yhteensopivuutta ja turvallisuutta, suojellaan kuluttajaa ja ympäristöä sekä helpotetaan kotimaista ja kansainväistä kauppaa. Tämä raportti on katsaus standardeihin, ohjeisiin ja suosituksiin, joiden koetaan olevan hyödyllisiä teollisuusyrityksen toiminnassa sen automaatiojärjestelmien (ICS-järjestelmä) kyberturvallisuuden näkökulmasta katsottuna. Katsauksessa pääpaino on dokumenteissa, jotka hyödyntävät teollisuusyrityksen toim…
Tilannekuvatieto kriittisen infrastruktuurin yrityksen tietojärjestelmien tietoturvallisuudesta
Cyber security of vehicle CAN bus
There are currently many research projects underway concerning the intelligent transport system (ITS), with the intent to develop a variety of communication solutions between vehicles, roadside stations and services. In the near future, the roll-out of 5G networks will improve short-range vehicle-to-vehicle traffic and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications. More extensive services can be introduced due to almost non-delayed response time. Cyber security is central for the usability of the services and, most importantly, for car safety. The Controller Area Network (CAN) is an automation bus that was originally designed for real-time data transfer of distributed control systems to cars. La…
Cybersecurity risk assessment subjects in information flows
A modern society includes several critical infrastructures in which digitalization can have positive impacts on the levels of autonomy and efficiency in the use of infrastructure systems. Maritime transportation is an example of an infrastructure that currently needs development in the digitalization of its operations and processes. At the same time, maritime processes represent a large-scale cyber environment, thus trustable information distribution between system elements of the processes is needed. Since 2020, the Sea4Value / Fairway (S4VF) research program in Finland has been working to develop maritime digitalization which can lead to autonomy processes in the future. The first stage o…