Salme Korkala
Rikos- ja riita-asioiden sovitteluprosessi
Factors Constraining Teachers’ Wellbeing and Agency in a Finnish University : Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic forced teachers to undergo a sudden shift toward technology-enhanced teaching and learning, challenging their capacities for change in many ways. This study explores those factors constraining teachers’ wellbeing and agency that influenced their capacities as teachers in a Finnish university during the first year of the pandemic. Two sets of data were collected, with an online survey in the spring (n = 297) and autumn (n = 246) of 2020. At both times, challenges with workload, time management, and interactions with colleagues were found to be the most constraining factors. Difficulties with work–life balance and home office facilities seemed more of an issue in the spr…
Monimuotoinen oppiminen, opetus ja ohjaus Jyväskylän yliopistolla
Pandemianaikaiset opetusjärjestelyt ovat synnyttäneet runsaasti keskustelua pandemianjälkeisistä opetus- ja opiskelumuodoista. Tässä julkaisussa esittelemme Jyväskylän yliopistolla kehitettyä tutkimuspohjaista mallia monimuotoiselle oppimiselle, opetukselle ja ohjaukselle. Sitä voi hyödyntää suunniteltaessa opettajien ja opiskelijoiden yksilölliset tilanteet huomioivia joustavia ratkaisuja. Teaching arrangements during the pandemic have generated a lot of discussions on post-pandemic modes of teaching and learning. In this publication, we present a research-based model for blended learning, teaching and supervision, created at the University of Jyväskylä. The model can be used when planning…