R. Caldarone

Il cuore e la critica della ragione. Ripartire da Laporte

The author presents the Italian translation of the text by Jean Laporte "Le coeur et la raison selon Pascal", identifying in the hearth a critic instance of reason. This reflection is conducted through the reference to the work of Jean Luc Marion in his essay on Negative Certainties.

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Pascal and the question of technique

The purpose of the essay is to discuss some implications of Pascal's philosophical discourse on the problem of technique and his rejections of Cartesian metaphysics. Author shows a singular perspective about technic in Blaise Pascal's philosophy. This perspective marks the difference with Descartes, linking technic to hearth and memory.

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Lavitalamorte o la genesi dell'aporia

The author finds the genesis of her concept of aporia in the Derrida Seminar of the 1970s on La vie la mort. The essay problematizes the co-belonging between life and death in Plato's Gorgias and starting from this datum compares Derrida's position with the dialectical-metaphysical one.

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Changer pour l'autre. Reprise de l'instance inconditionnelle de l'hospitalité

The author finds in Derrida's reflection on unconditional hospitality a deep bond with the duplication of reason in Kant. The unconditional hospitality appear also at the base of the painting Annunciazione by Alberto Savinio that the author reads trough Derrida's reflection. Reason and art appear to be governed by the same need of the reason.

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Sul movimento e sull'immobilità. Montaigne, Pascal e la questione della vita

The essay shows a comparison between Montaigne and Pascal on the theme of life, using the question of movement as a key to reading. From this comparison, Pascal shows a significant closeness to the Greek metaphysical paradigm.

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Il dolore comune. Butler dopo Kant

The author shows how the political reflexion of Butler is a radicalisation of the Kantian one. The theme of pain ,which Heidegger already debated on a rational and non-emotional basis, constitutes for the philosopher the point from which you start to think about the community today.

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Il desiderio come luogo di testimonianza. A partire da alcuni versi di Paul Celan

The author shows how the theme of eros in Paul Celan constitutes the place of a division of the subject despite to which the difficult search for unity is problematically entrusted. For this radicality, desire becomes the testimony of the impossibility to separate life from death which reflects intimately the condition of Jewish survivor for whom the continuity of life appears irreversibly broken.

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Ripensare la "persona" oggi

The text presents a critical question on the concept of “person” starting from the current political situation characterized from a wave of migration that tests the democratic resources of the West and that seems to impose the renunciation of the classic ideal of "good life". Making use of the reflection of Judith Butler, who thinks human being from vulnerability, exposure and dependence, the author proposes a rethinking of the "person" who claims to come from a sort of deconstruction of the "sublime" that presents itself in the moral sphere, in particular in the Critique of the practical reason of Kant, in the form of a doubling of the idea of "life" (animal life and moral life) and of "an…

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Metafisica e poesia

The essay shows, between autobiography and theoretical reflection, the link between metaphysics and poetry in the reflection of the philosopher Leonardo Samonà. The author uses the concept of "retraction" to cross both the vision of Samonà's metaphysics and the vision of poetry.

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The Antinomy of Hospitality and The Double Imperative

The purpose of this paper is to develop, on the basis of the comparison that Derrida engages with Kant on hospitality, some remarks on Kant’s concept of reason, and to show how the “right to visit”, in which space Kant de nes cosmopolitan right, implies a radical openness to the needs of the other, which Kant places at the heart of the concept of reason and which decides, therefore, the way each of us, as a man, can be said to be rational. Rationality and hospitality are placed on the same edge in the re ection of J. Derrida, who radicalizes the link between responsibility and practical reason and transforms the Kantian ‘Du sollst, also kannst du auch’ into an aporia, a term that does not i…

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Il tempo del desiderio. Per Jean-Luc Nancy

This essay aims to sketch the philosophical profile of Jean-Luc Nancy by analysing his last works on pandemics. In these writings the author develops a pecu- liar and pivotal care and concern for the present time, which does not actually ap- pear to be different from that produced in other works of the author’s such as “Being Singular Plural” or “The Sense of the World”. This allows us to speak of “a desire for the present” in the philosopher’s opus, which finds in the question of technology an ideal position for analysis.

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Etica come filosofia prima

The author discusses the reading of Sophocles Antigone by Giuseppe Nicolaci and this becomes the opportunity to address the issue of the birth of ethics. Antigone is thus summoned as a partner of a question that Nicolaci considers starting from Kant and Lacan.

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La filosofia in fiamme. Saggio su Pascal

La filosofia, come ci proviene da Platone e Aristotele, è amore della sapienza. Di questa origine l'avvenire ha conservato ben poco. La modernità, in particolare, ha definito la forma originaria dell'abbandono dell'erotica originaria, assimilando la filosofia alla scienza all'interno del progetto di riduzione dell'ente al pensiero. Eppure, nel vivo dell'abbandono, nel cuore della modernità, Pascal riaccende la fiamma originaria. Sulla scorta di questa tesi di fondo, il saggio istituisce un confronto fra Platone, Aristotele e Pascal che lascia apprezzare una sorprendente continuità nella discontinuità fra l'antico e il moderno. Philosophy, as it comes from Plato and Aristotle, is the love of…

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L'inclusione dell'altro. Profilo di Giuseppe Nicolaci

The author retraces the teaching of Giuseppe Nicolaci and identifies in the inclusion of alterity his distinctive profile ad a man ans a teacher.

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Natura della tecnica e tecnica della natura

Attraverso i 10 contributi che raccoglie, il volume tenta un'articolazione del rapporto fra natura e tecnica che è anche un attraversamento di alcuni passaggi cruciali della filosofia occidentale e che funge da ricostruzione del loro rapporto.

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